Chapter 7 Envis

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     The ground around them shook as out came a dragon of immeasurable size. The dragon was a red color and its scales were so hot that steam nearly fumed from it. The dragon roared and charged at Darel. At last Maia screamed. The dragon did not stop when she screamed but it did when Darel yelled."Flirind! "

       The wind that billowed out of that one word didn't stop the dragon but something else about the word did and the dragon opened his eye wide.

      "How dare you use my sister's name in vain!"  Came a deep voice. "You are lucky I was only here to capture you!"

        "Wait! are you mighty dragon. the dragon Envis?" asked Darel.

       "Indeed I am."

        "Then tell me Envis. Would you listen to the man who ordered you to capture me? Or listen to the one whom wields Uliac's sword?"

       The dragon looked in awe as Darel took out his sword. Envis sniffed it and said. "Tell me your story."

       Darel sat down and told him everything about what has happened in the last few months. Maia grew into tears to hear about what had happened to him. When he was done Darel was surprised to see the dragon itself shed a tear.

      "Your story is indeed sad little one. As for the man whom had sent me. Is unfortunately Magnus himself."

     Darel looked at the dragon and said to him."So whom will you listen to? The man or the other one?"

     "The other one."

      The dragon looked at him with great admiration.

       "May I add to what I have to say?"

       "Yes you may."

       "The man whom you call Magnus has already taken my stone. He is not actually mortal like you when I smell him."
        "What...what is he then?" asked Maia.
         "He is what you shall fear the most in battle and he ,who was, does not know what he is. Immortal to life's many diseases he is, but not to the blade of a knight."

          "Is he a creature unknown to the land?" asked Darel.

           "No. I shall share this knowledge with you only once. Tell anyone and you shall pay dearly."

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