Zach Herron - Back To You

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Okay, number two. We don't say Zach is a cheater though, he would never do something like that! Still one of our favourite Songs. "Back To You" by Louis Tomlinson and Bebe Rexha, if you know that song you'll probably notice it's just the first part. If you want a second part, let us know!

Now get some tea and enjoy!

I know you say you know me, know me well
But these days I don't even know myself, no
I always thought I'd be with someone else
I thought I would own the way I fell, yeah

You stared at your ceiling while you were rethinking about everything happened between you and Zach since a couple of weeks. You both just fight all the time, about the stupidest things. What happened between you? You both were happy, had a perfect relationship. You never thought that you would ever be the girlfriend of somebody like Zach.
It was not because he was famous, just his personality. You both were so different. While Zach was an outgoing, confident, loud person who know exactly that he was good looking and how he can get girls. Sometimes he would even act like the biggest macho in the world, and to be honest you don't really like him acting like this, but you loved him and all his flaws and since you were together in got at least a bit better.
But you on the other hand were shy, you would even say socially awkward, a lot more insecure about yourself and you were more of a listener than talker, much more emotional. Zach helped you to be at least a bit more outgoing, but always tell you that you are perfect just the way you are... At least he did. Now all you heard is him yelling hurtful stuff at you, but so did you.

I call you but you never even answer
I tell myself I'm done with wicked games

After an hour of staring at the ceiling and thinking about Zach and the whole situation you signed and reached for your phone. You decided to call him, apologize for what you said, but he wouldn't answer. You tried it a couple of times but nothing.
After a while you gave up calling him. Instead you tried calling Corbyn.
It beeped a couple of times before he answered: „Hey Y/N, what's up? Haven't seen you in a while."
„Hey Corbs, just fought with Zach." „Again? What happened between you two? You were the perfect couple and now you are just fighting", he asked incredulously. You signed: "To be honest I don't have a clue. But do you know were he is? I called him a couple of times but he didn't answer..." "He wanted to go to a friend's house party with the other boys. If you want I can write the adresse." "That would be great Corbyn! Thank you really much.", you answered. "No problem, hopefully you can finally sort this out between you"

An hour later you stand in front the house where Zach should be. You already could hear the music and many people talking. You followed the sounds and ended up in the garden where you could see many people, way too many people. You felt so uncomfortable but you really wanted to talk to Zach. You scanned the crowds for him but couldn't find him. He is probably inside, you thought and entered the big house. Inside were also many people and it was hard to get through all of them. In the living room, you finally found him. Surrounded by dancing teens, you saw him standing beside a girl, whispering something in her ear. She giggled and nodded, before they both went upstairs.
You didn't even want to imagine what they both would do there. You just tried to follow them as fast as you could. When you finally went upstairs You could hear them both laughing through the closed door. You got angry, really angry and opened the door just to see them both sitting beside each other close, too close . Zach and the girl looked at you shocked. "What the hell are you doing here?", Zach asked. "No, what the hell are YOU doing here? I tried to call you a thousand times, but you didn't answer! Then Corbyn told me you should be here, I wanted to apologize...but seems like the fight didn't bother you as much as me. No, you already found another girl... I can't believe I actually wanted to apologize to a bastard like you. I can't believe I actually trusted you...", you screamed. "Come on! Don't overreact like this. Nothing happened! Can't I even talk to another girl or what?? " Zach answered angrily. "Sure you can, but don't tell me that nothing happened when there is her lipstick on your lips! Don't lie to me, asshole, you already planned to bang her here right? Is she the first one? How often did you already cheated on me?" until the end your voice cracked and tears started to stream down your face. Zach opened his mouth to answer but you interrupted him: "No, you know what? Leave it, I don't even what to know! I'm done! I'm finally done. Have fun with her and don't text me ever again." You turned around and run out of the house. He already did many stupid things that hurt you, but you forgave him every time. Gave him a second, third, fourth and many other chances, but it would always end up in him hurting you and you always forgiving him. But not this time you swear to yourself. Enough is enough.

But then I get so numb with all the laughter
That I forget about the pain

But Zach wouldn't be Zach if he would have just left you like that. He tried to call you, you didn't answer but turned off your phone.
But of course, this wouldn't stop him. You weren't even that surprised that he ended up standing in front of your door. "Come on, open the door! I just want to apologize! I miss you, I need you. Just give me a second to explain everything! Please." he said desperately. You opened the door: "No Zach. Go away, leave me alone. You already broke me, please don't hurt me even more", you said before closing again. "I didn't mean to hurt you! You have to believe me! And until you let me explain everything I'll just wait here!"
You just shook your head, you know he would be gone in an hour.

After a while, you decided to check if he already was gone. You opened the door and he actually wasn't there. You felt your heart hurt once again, as you realized he actually left and wouldn't fight for you. But then you heard someone humming. Curious and a bit worried you went into your garden to check what the hell is going on there.
It was Zach, picking up some flowers, humming the song "Sorry" and do some strange dance moves now and then. You couldn't do anything but laugh. It was just too cute. Zach froze in the middle of one of his ridiculous movements and looked up surprised. When he realized it was you, he went to you with all the flowers in his hands. "I uhm picked up a couple of flowers for you. And before you say anything, I am really sorry. I never regretted something so badly, I know it was wrong and I don't even know why I've done this shit. All I know is that I missed you so damn much, I can't live without you and it hurts to know that you feel bad because of me... Please give me one last chance, you won't regret it, I promise!" Zach said.
"I forgive you, but I'm not sure if my mom will forgive you. The flowers meant everything to her.", you laughed. Zach began to smile, saying "I don't care, it was worth it.", before kissing you passionately. And even though you already knew he would hurt you again, and again and again you kissed back, because you needed him. You will forgive him every time, just like you did before. You were already too fucked up, you loved him way too much as it is good for you and didn't know how you could ever stop, how you would ever get over him. You would always come back to him. And suddenly you remembered the lyrics of this one song and just thought it exactly describes your feelings...

"you stress me out, you kill me
You drag me down, you fuck me up
We're on the ground, we're screaming
I don't know how to make it stop
I love it, I hate it, and I can't take it
But I keep on coming back to you"

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