Unlocked Windows????

137 6 1


I turned in my sleep, hearing soft footsteps beside my bed. Snapping upward, I prepared to scream, a hand slapping over my mouth,"Shh." Pierce whispered, his enormous muscles tensing with the movement. His dark orbs met mine, and I slapped his hand away,"How'd you get in here?"

"You left your window unlocked..."


My back hit the door, heavy breaths passing my lips,"How'd you get in here? What do you want?"

The murderer tilted his head, raising his ax,"Stupid Main Character. Don't you ever lock your window?"

I sighed, closing my eyes,"It was a bad move."

"So stereotypical," The killer mused,"You totally could've avoided this."

And then....I died.


The muscle thing made me laugh so hard....

Seriously though, it won't always be Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome.

Yeah, enjoy Yoda's disappointment

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Yeah, enjoy Yoda's disappointment.

And while you're at it, lock ya window.

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