Chapter 1 ~ Second Chances

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"I'm still in love with you..." He said. My mouth dropped a little bit. "W-what?" I asked nervously. "Emma, I'm in love with you! There I said it!" He said now holding my shoulders lightly. "Hayes..." I said. "Don't you love me back?" He asked. "I-I do but-" I was cut off. "But what?" He asked. "I can't get hurt all the time. I know you can't control the fans, but you can control the girls from school" I said pulling away. He just stood there. "I'm sorry" I said with tears forming in my eyes. I ran out of the gym and in a hallway of the school. I leaned against some lockers and slid down till my butt hit the floor. "Ow" I said. I sighed till I heard high heels clinking down the hall way. I looked over to see Kat. "Em are you okay?" She asked. I shook my head. She sat next to me in the same position. "What happened?" She asked. I sighed. "Hayes said he's in love with me..." I said looking down. "Emma! That's great!" She said all excited. "But" I said. "But?" She asked. "I just don't want to get hurt anymore" I said. "I understand that, but Emma. You gotta stop pushing people away" she said. I nodded. "I know. It's just so hard not too" I said. She nodded. "I know, but you should give him another chance. He can't control everybody ya know?" She said. "Yeah, I know" I said. She got up and fixed her dress. "Alright, come on" she said holding her hand out. "Where?" I ask taking her hand. "Well, were gonna go find Matty and talk and dance with him for a little. Then you can go talk to Hayes" she said. I sighed. "Okay" I said. We walked back into the gym and went to find Matt. Till I heard Kat scream. "MattyPoo!!!!" She said running up to him and hugging him. "Awe!" I said. They blushed. "I'm really happy for you Kat..." I said. She smiled and pulled me into a hug. "This next song is called Life Of The Party" we heard over the loud speakers. "We Love You Shawn!!!!" I screamed. He saw me and laughed. While he sang I spotted Hayes. Everybody was dancing. I looked around and saw Taylor and Ria. I started laughing because of Taylor trying to slow dance. He kept stepping on Rias toes. I laughed and looked over to where Hayes was. He was watching Shawn while standing with Cam and Nash. The other boys found girls to dance with. I quietly sang along with Shawn. "We Don't Have To Be Ordinary, Make Your Best Mistakes. Cause We Don't Have The Time To Be Sorry. So Baby Be The Life Of a The Party" I sang along. We all clapped once Shawn was done. We hung around with Matt and Taylor till Kat gave me the signal to go talk to Hayes. I sighed and walked over to him. "Hey" I said getting his attention. "Hey.." He said. "Can we talk?" I asked. He nodded. We walked up to the top of the bleachers and sat. "I'm sorry" I said. "Yeah, me too" he said. "What are you sorry about?" I asked confused. "That I kinda just threw that at you" he said. "Don't be sorry. I'm glad you said that" I said. He looked at me. "Why?" He asked. "Because, then I wouldn't have realized that I still am in love with you too" I said. A smile grew on his face. One grew on mine too. He leaned in, as did I up till our lips met. We pulled apart and smiled. He took my hand and stood up. "Shall we?" He asked. I stood up. "We shall" I said. We walked down to the group hand and hand. Kat looked at us and smiled. I looked at our hands and back up at him. I don't know how he could be in love with me, he was the popular boy at school. I was just a nerd, a loser. But some how, he chose me. Believe me I'm just as surprised as you. He's my forever, and always will be.

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