Chapter 12 ~ Broken Promises

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She caught me... After she left I just stood there in shock. "So, now you know your decision?" Alex asked behind me. My vision started getting blurry as I realized, I was crying. A single tear went down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. I don't even know why I'm crying, I did this to her. "Yeah, I do know my decision" I said. "It's Emma" I said walking out. "Hayes!" Alex shouted. I was already out the door. I ran as fast as I could to my house but it's too far. I stopped and took a couple of breaths before I hauled a taxi. It pulled up in front of me as I hopped in. I told him the address and before I know it, we were here. It was dark tho. I got out and went up to the door. I opened the door and all eyes were on me. Next thing you know I felt a sharp pain on my right cheek. "You! Do you know how long Emma has been up there crying her eyes out!!?!?!" Kat asked after brutally slapping me. "You should just - ugh I can't even look at you" Ria said after hiding her face in Taylor's chest. I rolled my eyes. "Where is she?" I asked Kat. "She's upstairs, but-" "Thanks" I said cutting Kat off. I ran up the stairs up to Emma's room, but it was quiet. I leaned up against the door until I heard, Aaron? "Aaron, I just need some time to gain my trust back. Can we just, wait?" Emma asked. "I'll be here waiting" I heard Aaron say. I had heard enough. I walked back to the living room with my hands in my pockets. "She's, she's going to be with Aaron" I said. "Good" Rosie said on Shawn's lap. "Aaron will treat her way better than you" Kat said, that's where I got real mad. "Look who's talkin" I said. Kat looked at me. "Look at yourself! Your pregnant Kat!" I said. She glared at me. I heard footsteps behind me, and I turned around. I looked to see Emma, her eyes so puffy and red. Her eyes basically blood shot and she had something in her hand. "Em-" she cut me off by putting a finger on my lips. "Here" she said so sadly while handing me the promise ring I gave her. "It's full of lies, and broken promises. I don't want it anymore. Maybe you should give it to another girl" she said not making eye contact with me. She started walking away. "It's not gonna change my feelings for you" I said and she stopped. "Feeling?" She asked turning around. "Yeah" I said. "The only feelings you have for me is, i don't even know if there are any! You played me Hayes! I'm just another girl that fell in your trap!" She yelled. "I-I'm sorry" I stuttered. "Well" she said shaking her head no. "I don't believe you. You blew your trust out the door and you know what the worst thing about this is?" She asked. I looked her in the eyes. "What" I said quietly. "That I still love you" she said and walked to her room as Aaron came out. Emma pushed past him. "You better treat her right Aaron" I said. He smirked. "I'll treat her better than you did. Because I actually love her. You can go back to your little tramp of a girlfriend" he said grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. He looked at me and shrugged before heading back to Emma's room.
I opened the door to Emma's room. She turned to me and felt her finger where the ring once was. "It's so weird not having it" she said. I handed her the water bottle and sat next to her. "You know, if you were with me. I-I could treat you better" I said grabbing her hand. She let me hold it. "I know, you keep telling me that" she smiled. "Sorry" I chuckled. "No, it's cute" she said looking up at me. I kissed her cheek and she laid down. I checked the clock and it was 9:00. I laid beside her and wrapped an arm around her waist as we cuddled. I don't know how Hayes could do this to such an amazing girl, I know I'm 17 wanting to date a 15 year old. Don't judge, love is love. I was thinking about all this till I slowly felt my eyes get very heavy. Then sleep took over.

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