Chapter 8 ~ Surprise? Part 1

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I can't believe he came back. He has some nerve to come back. Once everybody was done hugging Emma for the billionth time, I took Emma upstairs. We got up stairs and I shut the door behind me. "You okay?" I asked her as she laid down. "Worst experience of my life" she said facing away from me. "Nobody should have to go threw that" I said. I laid down next to her and wrapped my arm around her waist till we both fell asleep.
I woke up this morning to Kat running to the bathroom. I got up and followed her, she was throwing up. "Baby are you okay?" I asked her as she cleaned her mouth. "I feel fine, its just... that just happened. Out of no where" she said. "Do you wanna go to the doctor?" I asked. She sighed. "Only to make sure that its not, like contagious or anything" she said. Honestly I'm kinda afraid. Me and Kat we, did it... and I-I don't think we used protection... its weird I know. (A/N : This is just awkward for me to write this so deal with it thanks). I got in the car. Kat got in the passenger seat with her knees to her stomach. "Are you okay?" I asked with my eyes on the road. She stayed silent, well thats new. We pulled up to the hospital and i put the car in park. I hurried and got out to open the car door for Kat. I guess she's kinda in shock I guess, I don't why. We walked in and waited in the waiting room for the nurse. "Espinosa" the nurse called. Me and Kat got up and followed the nurse back to the room. We walked in as she shut the door behind us. Kat sat on the bed as I sat in a chair beside her. "So, what seems to be the problem today?" the nurse asked as she sat down on her stool. "Um, well. You see this is th
e first time I've experimented this, but I just got sick. So I'm not sure if its something I ate, or what" she said. "Do you maybe have any allergies by chance?" the nurse asked. "No" Kat said. "Um do you mind, just for a test. If you used one of these real fast" the nurse said handing her a...... p-p-pregnancy test!?!? Oh no... Kat slowly nodded and looked at me. Kat got up and left while i stayed with the nurse. Once the door shut it was silent. "Why?" the nurse asked. I looked down. "You do know this could ruin her life right?" she said. "Her life wont get ruined we will just have a baby, that is if she's pregnant! If she is, I'm gonna be a man and stay with her. I'm not gonna be a little boy and run away. That is my fiance! And I will stay with her no matter what" I said. "A baby can't ruin a life. It might just make it better" I said. With that Kat walked in with tears in her eyes. She handed the test to the doctor. The doctor stood up with the test and walked out as Kat sat back on the bed. She started to cry. "What if I am pregnant Matt? I'm not ready for kids, I wanted to wait!" she cried. This is my fault, I talked her into it. My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening revealing the nurse. "I have some good news and bad news" she said. "The bad news is... You are pregnant" she said. My mouth dropped, I think Kats heart stopped. "The good news is, since your only 16 we will not make you pay for your appointments" she said, then she just walked out. "Kat, I'm so sorry" I said. She just starred at the floor. I got up t sit next to her. "Get away from me" she said, so calmly yet with so hurt. I can't believe I did this to her...
Hey Guys! So Yeah, Kats Pregnant! So Yeah. I'm Sorry I Haven't Updated. Lol Um I Was With My Cousins And His Friends... Yeah Best Time Of My Life!!!! Message Me If You Want The Story Lol Its Pretty Awesome On My Part Because My Crush Was There . So Yeah! Lol Here's Part 1

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