Chapter 23 ~ Everything Has Changed.

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"Do you think I should wait a while?" I asked. "Emma, he's your boyfriend. Do it" he said. I pulled out my phone and clicked on FaceTime. I turned to Shawn. "I just feel like I'm one of those kinds of girls that are like, real clingy" I said. "Trust me, I've already FaceTimed Rosie. Your not clingy" he said. I nodded and started the call. He answered. I smiled but all I saw was black. I put myself on mute. "What's he doing" Shawn asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "You sure she's gonna be gone for 3 months?" I heard a female voice. I widened my eyes. "Yes, she's not gonna walk in like last time" I heard a male voice say. I knew who's voice that was. Hayes. I held the phone and just starred at it in shock. "I knew it" I said. "Emma..." Shawn said. I was on the verge of tears but held them back. I clicked the mute button, unmuting myself. "I can't believe I ever gave you a second chance" I said. It got quiet. "Who was that?" The female asked. "How about you check your pocket Hayes" I said. The phone went from black to white, to Hayes' face. I was in a t-shirt and sweats. "Emma it's not-" I cut him off. "Were done" I said then hung up. I put my phone down and put a hand to my face. I couldn't help but have a tear escape my eye. "Please don't cry" Shawn said pulling me in a hug. I just let it all out. "Why do I keep falling for the same thing" I sobbed. "It's okay..." He said rubbing my back. I then got a text. I picked up my phone and it was from Hayes.

PooBear - Emma I'm sorry! I just miss you too much! I can't take it! 3 months? I can't do it! Please don't say we're done. Because I'm not. I thought we were gonna be forever...

But the thing is, I never took him back. I never spoke to him after that. When I came home nothing was the same. It was always quiet. Shawn made an EP, I just kept doing videos. Sure I still featured in The Weight but that's all. Everything changed.

~4 years later~

"I'm on my way!" I yelled in the phone. "Emma your gonna be late! I have the dress here just hurry yo butt up, Darcy won't shut up about you!" Kat said. "Alright I'm almost there, love you bye" I said. "Love you bye" she said then hung up. I sighed and kept my eyes on the road. I kept driving till I reached the beach. I parked my car and got out. "Finally your here!!!" Kat yelled running up to me. "Your not even in your wedding dress yet you yell at me?!?!" I say. She just laughed. "Auntie Emma!!!!" I heard a little girl yell. "Hi Darcy!" I say picking her up. "Am I the only one here yet?" I asked. "Nope I'm here" I hear a voice behind me. I turn around and see Aaron. "OMG! Hi!!!" I say putting Darcy down and hugging Aaron. "Everyone's here but Nash and Hayes" he said. I nodded. I haven't spoken to Hayes ever since I went on tour with Shawn. "Hey, you don't have to talk to him" Kat said. I nodded and sighed. We started walking back down and Kat showed me the dress. "Wow it's gorgeous!" I said. She handed it to me. "Put it on, and I'll be back" she said. I went to the nearest bathroom and locked myself in there. I took off my shirt and my skirt. I picked up the dress and slipped it on. It fit perfectly. I look in a mirror and looked at how much I've changed. I lost a lot of weight, well I guess that's it. It was kinda tight up top and barely loose at the bottom. It had one sleeve as well. It was very pretty. I stepped out and showed Kat. "What do you think?" I asked. "Perfect" she said smiling. "Okay um, I gotta change back to my clothes and I'll meet you out there" I said. She nodded and left. I took off the dress and slipped on my clothes. I fixed my hair and stepped out. I looked around for Kat but she was nowhere to be found. I looked closer and saw her, Matt, and Darcy sitting on the beach. Gawd I swear there made for each other. I heard rocks crumbling behind me. I turned my head and my long brown hair hits my face. A red jeep pulls up and two guys and a girl comes out. I see that one is Nash, and the other was Morgan. Her and Nash got married not too long ago. I smiled at them and they smiled back in return. I look over at the other guy. He looks so familiar but I don't know who he is. Nash whispered something to Morgan and ran over here. "Hey Em!!!" He said picking me up and spinning me around. "Hi Nashty" I said as he put me down. "Hayes is here" he said. I looked down and nodded. "Oh, um cool" I said. "I'll be right back" he said. He ran off and I looked around for Hayes. As I keep looking I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see the guy that was with Nash. "Hey" he said nervously. "Hi, I'm Emma, so are you a friend of Nash's?" I asked as he looked at me with his blue eyes. Wait what?! Blue Eyes??? "H-Hayes?" I asked. He scoffs a laugh. "Yeah, you look- different" he said. "Um, yeah" I said. I looked around. "I-I should go" I said. "Em wait" he said grabbing my arm. I turned to him, man I've missed him. "Y-yeah?" I say. "Can we not be so, you know. Awkward?" He asked. I fake smiled. "Who said it was awkward" I said and walked to find Kat, I gotta hurry. I turned a corner and there she was in her beautiful white dress. "Kat you look amazing" I said. She turned and smiled at me. "Thanks sis" she said walking up to me and giving me a hug. "Now, go get in your dress and come back in here" she said and made me go change, again. I changed and made back to her room in time. They handed us the little bouquets of Roses. Kat looked so excited, yet nervous. I walk up to her and spin her around. "Kat, your going to be fine, you have a gorgeous wedding, a big house, Darcy, and most importantly, Matt. He loves you Katie" I said. A smile creeped up on her face. "Thank you Em, you always know what to say" she said oulling me in a hug. "Not all the time..." I trail off. She smiled and rolled her eyes. I took my place behind Olivia and infront of Morgan. "Emma, that's Riannas spot! Your behind me" she said pointing behind her. "I'm your maid of honor?" I asked confused. "Duhh" she said. I smiled and walked up to Kat and helped her fix her dress before she walks down the aisle. It went Me, Rosie, Rianna, Olivia, and Morgan. Then there was Katie. Once the music started and everyone stood up, I started walking with Rosie behind me. When we all reached where we we're supposed to go, Darcy came out, she's the flower girl. Once Darcy came over to us, Kat came out. She was stunning.


A wave of nervousness took over me. I'm about to marry the love of my life with our beautiful daughter. I took a deep breath and smiled as everybody watched me walk up to Matt. As I took each step it made me even more nervous. But it's worth it, because each step I take, I get closer to my husband. Once I finally reached him, theu put on the rings, and we said our vows. Everything was perfect, my family, my best friends, my daughter, and my husband, Matt.


Are you fricken kidding me? Right now!?!? Ugh!!! I said to myself as i searched for my keys. I looked at where I was sitting and still couldn't find it. "Everything okay?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw Aaron. "Yeah, I just can't find my keys" I said. he nodded and got pulled away by his friends. I rolled my eyes and kept looking till there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw him, those blue eyes, the one that always broke my heart, Hayes. "Um Hi" I said avoiding him again. "Are you okay?" he asked, I nodded. "I lost my keys" I said. He nodded and licked his lips. "If you want, you can stay at my place?" he asked. I wanted to deny but I would have no where to go. Almost everyone is wasted and I'm sure Kat and Matt want some alone time considering they just got married. "Thanks" I said. We walked out to his car and buckled up. He started the car and the whole ride was quiet. I started out the window and had a lot on my mind. We pulled up to a bright white house with a stone path way. We got out at the same time and walked up the stone path to his door. He unlocked it and we walked in. I looked around me in the beautiful house, I live in an apartment. "Wow" was all I could say. "You live here alone?" I asked. He nodded. "It gets kinda lonely but I have Sky and some friends over sometimes" he said. "Sky? How is she?" I asked, I haven't seen her in years. "She okay, 10" he said looking down. "Time went by fast" I said looking at the pictures on the walls. "Yeah, real fast" he said. He went to his closet and got a pillow and a blanket. "Thanks" I said about to take them from him. "What are you doing? Your sleeping in my bed" he said putting the pillow and blanket down on the couch. "I'm sleepin here" he said smiling. "Thanks Hayes" I said. He lead me up to his bedroom and opened the door. I plopped down and laid there. "Yup it's comfortable" I said. He laughed. "Yeah it's a comfortable bed" he said. He took his shirt off and looked in his drawers. I caught myself starring and looked at my phone. "Night" he said. "Night" I replied before he shut the door. What is wrong with me? Stayinf at my ex's house? That's just wrong. But he's being so sweet. NO, EMMA SNAP OUT OF IT! He'll just break your heart again, just like he did the past years. Could I be developing feelings for him again?

Hey Guys! School Is Starting Back Up Again And I Just Wanted To Say That I Love You Guys And Stay Strong!!!! :) Hope Y'all Liked It Love You Guys!!!

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