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3rd Person POV

"No." Isabella whines. Carter sighs, clearly annoyed. But she's too drunk to care. A laugh escapes her mouth, as she pulls on him, trying to drag him into the apartment. He rolls his eyes, and takes a few steps in. She starts laughing again, screaming like a little kid.

"I don't have time for this." Carter mutters angrily. He prys her hands off him and leaves, before slamming the door shut.

"Nooo." She whines again, before lying on the ground, in a star position, a pout on her lips. "You're no fun." She says to no one in particular. Isabella's eyes slowly droop, and she closes them, lying on the floor, now fast asleep.

                                                              *            *           *

Isabella's POV

My eyes slowly open to a throbbing sensation in my head. Ouch. Hangover. Great. I rub my eyes, squinting as the sunlight almost blinds me. I look around and notice I'm in my apartment, on the floor. My hands are sticky from juice or something, and I've been drooling. Ew. Remind me never to go to a party again. I slowly stand up, my head pretty much killing me, and walk into my room. I go to my closet and look for a hoodie, and sweatpants. I will be staying home anyway. Quickly walking downstairs, I clean the sticky floor where I had fallen asleep. Once I'm done, I begin to walk upstairs, wincing at my throbbing head. I grab my clothes, head into the bathroom scaring myself after looking in the mirror, and hop into the shower.

What the hell happened last night?

I scrunch my eyes up as I try to think. The memories slightly come to me. The creepy guy hitting on me. That's about it.

I finish my shower and get out, putting on the hoodie and sweatpants, then heading downstairs to get a painkiller. Heading to the cabinet, I grab an Advil and down it. I massage my temples slightly, close to crying due to the hangover.

Knock Knock.

Oh gosh. I really don't want to deal with anyone right now. Even though I showered, I look terrible. There are bags under my eyes, and, I just look ugly. Making my way to the door, I comb my hair with my fingers. I open it, to reveal Birdie.

"Oh. Hey." I say tiredly. She laughs. "First time partying this is what happens."

I stay quiet, slightly irritated. She stands there, as if she's waiting to be invited in. I sigh, and begin. "Would you like to come in?"

She shifts a bit and mumbles a "sure". I move aside to let her in, and she walks in.

"What's up?" I start. "I didn't see you at the party for a while from what I remember."

"I had to leave a bit early. Curfew. We have to be at the Orphanage by eleven." She says with a chuckle. "Carter always comes really late. They're really excited to get him out of there."


He had helped me yesterday. I stand there as the memories come flooding back to me. My drunk self dragging him into our house, whining and yelling. Oh my god. How embarrassing.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as a hand snaps in front of me.

"Hello? Isabella?" Birdie laughs, clapping in front of my face.

"Hm? Right." I quickly say, face-palming.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"I embarrassed myself in front of your brother." I face palm again. She giggles. "Apparently last night I was drunk off my ass and dragged him here and started freaking out."

Her giggles turn into laughter. It goes on for about five minutes, making me laugh too.

"Speaking of which.." She begins. "You know he's moving in tomorrow right?"



"Mhm." I mutter.

"Look you really don't have to-" She starts but I cut her off.

"No, It's alright." I smile. She sighs a sigh of relief. "Thank you." She breathes. "So much."

"Anyway," I change the subject. "What do you wanna do?" Birdie just shrugs. I give her one of those looks you give your friend when the teacher says to pick a partner. She gives it right back.

We both run over to my couch, me grabbing a tub of ice cream on the way. I put on some netflix, as the two of us watch, getting a well deserved lazy day.

*At night cause' I'm lazy*

Birdie had just left, and I'm getting ready for bed. I glance at the clock. 10:30. I quickly head to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Grabbing my face wash, i squirt some onto my hand and rub it into my face, then wash. Done.

I get changed into my pajamas and jump into bed, instantly feeling tired. I may have spent the entire day being lazy with Birdie on the couch, but I'm still tired. My head gets filled with random 'before falling asleep' thoughts. Carter, a guy I pretty much despise, is moving into my apartment tomorrow because he's too old to live in his Orphanage. And why am I doing this? Because I love my best friend Birdie and I'm doing this for her. My eyes begin to droop, and I slowly close them, bracing myself for tomorrow.   


HI GUIZ HOWS IT GOING. *no one cares*


k bye.

Word Count: 868

Much love, 

         Umaima. <3


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