Chapter 11: Peek-a-Boo.

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Chapter 11: Peek-a-Boo.

The unsettling feeling that radiated through the class room was intense. I could see the ninth grade students staring at the clock in the math class. The bland room had thirty desks and thirty students. A teacher’s desk with a witch of a teacher and a black board that we were supposed to be copying from.

I bit my lip as I sat in the back corner of the class room. I’ve made a few friends after I got suspended. As a joke they say if they’re with me they won’t get bullied. I’m cool with it. My friend Lucas is completely cool. He is the gayest person I’ve ever met. Well I suppose he’s the only gay person I’ve ever met. Then there is Ashley, the sweetest girl ever. They invited me but I have to stay home and do some chores.

My note book closed and aimed for my open bag. I zipped up my black hoodie and tapped my heel impatiently. How come when you don’t want school to start is like lightening speed and when you want school to end it’s slower than a snail?

“Miss Sullivan. Are you finished copying down the notes from the board?” Mrs Evans questioned. Her strict voice bombing across the class room made my heart jump into light speed. I looked at her with wide eyes.

“Yes ma’ma.” I replied with a fearful tone.

Mrs Evans might be small but her Latin side is strict. She always wore a nice long shirt to school with the small black wedges. Her black hair always let down and her deep brown eyes always seemed to be scanning the class, especially me. She is like the fucking hulk if you get her mad. And if you get her angry enough she starts screaming at you in Latin. I’ve only witnessed it once Gregor Smith got on her bad side at the end of the day on Monday and she got so mad. She also said that if I do another stunt like I did two weeks ago, picking a fight with Wendy Johnson then she’ll make sure that my school years are hard and long.

I snickered at that. I mean come on! You can’t possibly say hard and long in the same sentence to a teenager and expect them to not giggle a little bit.

My heart raced in my chest as the school bell rang loudly, making my ears ache slightly. I pulled the bag over my shoulder and started walking to pile through the students crowding the halls. I pressed by the seniors and out the front doors to freedom.

The amount of kids crowding from the school was insane. I could barely see where Jimmy was parked. My gaze ran all around but stopped on one car. My heart stopped and my stomach sank into a vortex of fear. I stood there staring at this car that was parked in front of this school. A 1967 Chevy Impala. Roger’s car that I ditched in Grand Island. I knew it was his because it has the same license plates.

My body jumped violently when I felt someone grab my arm from behind and spin me around. My eyes widened as I stared up at the middle aged man with greying brown hair and green eyes. The smell that fell off his breath was overwhelming. I watched him with wide eyes. I could feel my jaw was dropped to the ground.

“It took me three weeks to track you down, Peasnie.” He talked at me. I stood there my arm in his grasp. I wasn’t panicked or anything since most of the kids were gone home and now the small court yard in front of the school was clear and I can look for Jimmy.

“Why did you lie to me Peasnie? Why did you run away?” He shouted at me. I shrunk into myself a little bit and tried to pull my arm from his clutches. My stomach was twisting and turning. It felt like I was all alone in the dark with a scary monster.

“Answer me!” He yelled in my face. I tried jerking myself free but every time I did his grasp got tighter.

“Let me go!” I cried.

“Hey!” A loud voice screamed. My head propped up and a smile curled my lips. I swear I could cry right about now. Jimmy came galloping up the steps and towards us with a furious expression. Roger’s grip loosened on me allowing me to slip away and into the arms of my dad. I knew this wasn’t finished, not by a long shot.

Jimmy lightly guided me aside while he stormed up to the bastard who hunted me down like a wild animal. I never thought he’d do this but he did. My stomach twisted even more when Jimmy got into Roger’s face. Roger has four years on Jimmy and he wasn’t the type to hold back on any age.

“You stay the fuck away from her.” Jimmy hissed seriously. Roger laughed hardily and shook his head.

“I’m not leaving here without her.” Roger said.

“She’s my god damn daughter; you stay the fuck away from her!” Jimmy yelled. His voice was so full of rage and anger. It’s scary, he’s usually a peaceful guy; making jokes, telling me to go chase the ducks when I’m bored. He’s never been this angry, not that I’ve seen.

“You put your hands on my kid again and I’ll call the cops.” Jimmy threatened with a serious tone. He wasn’t kidding. Roger shook his head.

“She’s a run away. She must come home.” Roger said with a grinding voice. Jimmy shook his head.

“Like I said, put your hands on my kid again and I’ll make you pay.” He said before turning towards me. We both walked to the car in silence. I was in awe that someone stood up for me. That’s never happened to me before. I slid into the front seat and stared at my lap sadly. We drove away quickly. My stomach twisted and turned still. I couldn’t comprehend what just happened. This was insane, someone actually stood up to him for me.

I looked up at Jimmy with a shy smile. He kept his gaze on the road but I could tell he was still extremely angry and upset.

“Thanks for that.” I whispered softly. Jimmy looked at me with a frown.

“It’s fine. Are you okay?” He asked with a gentle voice. This was the Jimmy I’ve grown to know. Caring and gentle. I thought about his question for a moment, was I okay? Was I really okay? I’ve lied to him once before and I don’t intend on doing it again. He deserves the truth. I swallowed the pill they call pride and half assed a smirk.

“I’m shaken, but I’ll be okay. Are you okay?” I asked with a weary voice. Jimmy’s frown became more noticeable. He shook his head and sighed.

“No, I’m not okay. I’m just glad you’re safe.” He said softly. We pulled into the drive way and stayed in the car for a moment. I stared at my feet; the dirty shoes made me look so clean. I wonder how many miles these old, torn shoes have walked. I propped my head up and looked at him.

“Dad?” I asked softly, trying to get his attention. His hazel eyes hovered over me with a worried expression.

“Yeah?” He replied. I sucked my tongue as the question was thrown from my mouth with no control.

“Why does Roger hate you so much?” I asked. Jimmy shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. His eyes closed tightly as he thought of what to say.

“I don’t want a bull shit answer either. I want the truth.” I added. He looked at me with sorrow filled eyes and a blank expression.

“He hates me because your mom loved me more than him.” He admitted sadly.

“And I guess since you’re apart of me in so many ways he hurt you in attempts to hurt me.” He added with a squeaky tone. I bit my lip and looked back at my feet. Oh, I never knew that. I honestly never thought of it that way either. But in ways it makes sense. I looked up at him with a sly smile and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. My head rested on his shoulder as I hugged him tightly.

“I love you dad.” I said with a gentle voice. I felt his arm slide up from between us and wrap around me, pulling me close to his body. He stroked my hair as I buried my face into his chest.

“I love you too Peasnie.” He replied. His words made my heart flutter happily. He loved me! I know I’m his child but some parents never say I love you to their kids. And if they do, then they really must love that kid. The amount of love I felt was overwhelming. It was such a nice warm feeling inside my heart. Like there was no whole of emptiness but now it’s full of warm, sweet, thick honey. I love this feeling. I hope it never ends.

“Thanks for taking me in.” I said softly. I heard him crackle slightly. He rubbed my arm softly.

“Thanks for being born.”

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