Chapter 15: Tough Love.

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Chapter 15: Tough Love.

I sat at the end of the dock and looked out on the lake. The calm water was soothingly rolling from the shore. I heard the wild life calling to me as the day wore out and the night called us to come and play. The sun was hidden behind the Ackers of trees that had bright green leaves fluttering carefully in the warm breezes. I carelessly minded the water calming myself from the day of playing with my family.

Apparently to my dad and the guys camping means going to the lake house. The lake house is small it only has two bedrooms with one kitchen and a bathroom. Jimmy and Lacy slept in a tent outside along with Johnny and Zacky. There were at least three tents outside. Matt and Val slept in the small bedroom while Michelle and Brian got the master bedroom. I slept on the couch which I don’t mind. I’m young enough that it doesn’t bother me.

I sat at the end of the dock with my feet swirling slowly in the lake. The wood under my skin kinda felt weird but it’s really hot so I’ve packed all my shorts and tank tops. We’re going to be here for three weeks so most of July and the beginning of August.  Today I wore a pair of jean shorts and an orange tank top.

We got here yesterday and since then I’ve gone two shades darker. We’re staying in Alberta and its really hot here. I can’t even imagine what it’s like in the cities. It’s probably feeling like hell boiled over.

My gaze ran the tree line to see the sun’s orange rays falling low and the stars becoming more visible. I kept my gaze to the sky and sat by myself. Everyone was crowded around the camp fire, happily chatting away. Sometimes it sucks being the only kid. I’m only most of the time but I like going on adventures, like today I went on a hike through the woods and discovered a tree house, an old car and an old run down cabin. I saw a few deer and rabbits along the way. It was nice.

My attention was turned to foot steps coming up from behind me, it sounded like bare feet on wood. I turned to see Lacy walking down the dock in a summery skirt and a white tee shirt, her black hair was pinned up from her face. She wore a serious expression that was wiped away by a friendly smile.

My stomach started to feel weird and my fuse was running thin. My looked back out at the calm lake and breathed, I just have to breathe. Lacy came and sat down beside me, her feet dangled in the water as well. I smiled at her, trying to be friendly and sweet. We sat there quietly, just looking out on the water. I love water; it’s such a nice element. It can do damage but when it’s this calm and the waves are rolling lazily off the shore, it’s nice.

“Why do you hate me?” Lacy asked with a shy voice. She looked at me with those puppy dog brown eyes. I bobbed my head up and looked at her with a surprised expression. Where did she hear this? Why does she think I hate her? I don’t like her but I don’t hate her. If she wasn’t with my dad then I think she’d be a cool friend. I frowned and shook my head.

“I don’t hate you; I’m just not your biggest fan.” I admitted sullenly. She nodded and frowned slightly.

“Is it because I’m not your mom?” She asked a very personal question. I felt my stomach lurch and my heart began to ache badly. I know she didn’t mean to bring up my mom but I’m still not happy she did. It hurts to talk about my mom walking out. It wasn’t the fondest memory I have, seeing my mom walk out that door, saying she was going to be back in a few days but she never did. I never heard from her after that. She never even told me she loved me when she left. I feel so abandoned and betrayed. I tried not to show emotion but that’s easier said then done. I gulped hard and looked at her.

“I guess I’m just scared that you’ll hurt him like my mom did. I wasn’t around to see him grieve but I am now and my dad is the only family I have.” I replied softly, splashing my feet around carefully. Lacy shook her head and made a face at the water.

“I’d never hurt your dad.” She said quietly.

“You don’t know that. People say that all the time and they end up hurting the person they say they love.” I snapped back at her, only speaking the truth about reality. Reality says everything. Teens are in ‘love’ and that they wouldn’t hurt that person but then they get bored of one and other and they hurt each other. Badly. I can’t bear to see my dad hurt if he gets hurt. I know he’s a grown man and he’s all tough and shit but he’s still human and he still feels. Lacy nodded sadly.

“You’re right, I don’t know that. But for the moment I make him happy and he makes me happy.” She said with a broad voice. I sighed and looked at the rippling water below. I suppose she’s right. He does seem happy with her. His face lights up when she calls or when she walks in the front door. And she did move in at the beginning of June and things have been awkward every morning when I wake up I have to remember that I’m no longer the only girl in the house.

I smiled as Pinkly came and sat beside me on the dock, his fluffy white head nudging my arm with a wag of his tail. My fingers ran through his fur and petted him carefully.

“I’m not looking to be your step mom or even replace your mom. I want to be your friend.” She admitted. I nodded and looked from the small dog to her.

“It’s going to take a while but I’m willing to accept the fact that you’re stuck to us like glue.” I said with a friendly tone. I slid my arm around her shoulders and hugged her loosely. I guess it’s time to let bygones be bygones. I can’t hold a grudge against her forever. I suppose she won’t be that bad to live with, it’d be nice to have another girl in the house; just as long as I’m not number two.  I dislike being number two. She smiled and hugged me back.

“As long as you try, that’s all I ask for.” She said and rested her head on mine. I smiled at the feeling of having a step mom. She might not be my real mom but she’s the closest thing to a motherly fingure I have.

I heard the sound of foot steps behind us. We both turned to see my dad happily walking down to us in a pair of board shorts and a tee shirt. He smiled widely at us. Lacy and I scotched a little bit further away from each other allowing Jimmy to come and sit between us. He was already tanned nicely, the colour in his face made me smile. He sat down between us, dropping his feet into the water along with ours and wrapped his arms around the both of us.

“How are my two favourite girls?” He asked happily looking from me to Lacy. I smiled at him.

“Good, I was just talking to Lacy.” I said with a cheerful voice. His face lit up even more as his smile grew larger. His hazel eyes were bright even in the dim light of the evening. He looked at Lacy with raised eye brows.

“What were you two talking about?”He questioned. I looked at Lacy and smiled shyly.

“I’m going to let Lacy be my step mom. I may not like the idea but I’m willing to give her a chance.” I replied with a proud voice. Jimmy kissed the top of my head proudly with a chuckle. He was really proud of me for this and there is nothing better than making your parent proud. I knew he was proud of me when I showed him how well I could play drums and when I gave him my report card. But this is a different kind of pride. I guess the more pride he puts in me, the better at things I am. I’m not afraid to do things if he’s going to be proud of me for trying.

Dead & Gone. [UNDER REVISION]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя