Chapter 1

126 18 15

Bihaan: Chuk chuk gadi ...

Thapki: Go away, I have works to do.

Thapki: And stop with that annoying nickname.

Bihaan: Ouch, that hurts.

Bihaan: No time to chat with your loving husband?

Thapki: Yes no time to chat with the husband who is apparently having a time of his life in the beach with his friends .

Thapki: Wait I forgot to add something,yeah, having a time of his life in the beach with his friends WITHOUT ME😬

Bihaan: Still mad at me about that?

Thapki: 😠😠😠

Bihaan: Come on yaar, I wanted you to come too... but you are the one who was not ready to take leave, even for one day, even Harshad said it was okay, he would have handled everything at the office but no, you won't let him, it had to be you...


Bihaan: If it will make you feel any better , right now I am standing in the terrace of our house missing you like hell,wishing that my thapki would just come home.

Thapki: What???

Thapki: But you...what about beach....

Bihaan: No fun without you, Love.

Thapki: Oh!

Thapki: 😆😆😆😆

Thapki: I want to come home too Bihaan... but you know, work...

Bihaan: I understand ,  I will forgive you, but on one condition😎

Thapki: Condition?

Bihaan: You will agree go on a date with me tonight.

Thapki: We are going out tonight?

Bihaan: No love, we are staying inside, we will have dinner here on the terrace and then...
....... dessert😉 ,all under the stars.


Thapki: Stop it, I am at office

Bihaan: Stop what? I didn't do anything.

Thapki: For your information I need to keep a straight face while messaging you so that any one watching me would think that I am doing some important work on my phone , I can't do that if you keep saying stuff like that.

Bihaan: Saying stuff like what?

Thapki: Oh my innocent little baby boy😱

Bihaan: 😇😇😇 I think you have a very naughty sense of imagination. Maybe my talk about the dinner made you hungry, people turn weird when they are hungry,  or was it the dessert?

Thapki: Shut up and go away Bihhan.

Bihaan: Okay Okay Bye, see you in the evening.

Thapki: Yeah, Can't wait😘


Bihaan: Thapki, I thought I told you not to come home early.

Thapki: What are you talking about?

Bihaan: That was really fast? What are you driving a car or an airplane, how did you get here so fast?

Thapki: ????

Bihaan: Speaking of which, where's your car? Why are you walking?

Thapki: Me walking?  I am still at office, Bihaan.

Bihaan: Haha, really funny, I can see you from up here, there you are walking towards the door , wait a second, I am coming down and then we can talk.

Thapki: What the hell Bihaan ??? What do you mean you can see me, I am still at my office. Are you playing some kind of prank with me, this is not funny 😠

Bihaan: How did you do that?

Thapki: Do what?

Bihaan: Text me stupid! I don't see your phone with you, then how did you...???

Bihaan: Who is messaging me?

Thapki: Thapki Bihaan Pandey is messaging you, you idiot. Bihaan this is enough, stop this nonsense, I don't like this game of yours whatever it is.

Bihaan: Thapki....

Thapki: What???

Bihaan: What happened to you?

Thapki: Huh?

Bihaan: You look, you look... Oh My God!!!

Thapki: Bihaan , whats wrong?

Thapki: Bihaan.....

Thapki: Bihaan... You are driving me insane, talk...


Thapki: Ahhh.....

Thapki: What kind of a twisted joke is this???

Thapki: Fine you won.

Thapki: I am coming home.

Thapki: And trust me when I get home, you are gonna pay for this.

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