Chapter 3

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Priya: Hai Jeevan!!!

Jeevan: Oh hai

Priya: Guess what!!!

Jeevan: What?

Priya: Any idea where I am?

Jeevan: Eh...Priya, can we talk later?

Priya: Mmm..... let me think..... no I guess not😇

Priya: You didn't answer my question...

Jeevan: No I don't know, where are you?

Priya: Your home!!!

Jeevan: What?

Priya: Surprise...

Priya: Hellooo

Priya: Didn't expect that when giving me the spare key?

Priya: Why suddenly silent? I was hoping to find you making out  with some bitch  but no such luck, guess my plans of punching you in the face and walking out will have to wait...

Priya: Hellooo.... I was just kidding....

Jeevan: Sorry.... I was..... well....not paying attention...... it was Bihaan..........he is not feeling well

Priya: Huh.....

Priya: You are still with Bihaan, you boys had whole day to party ,now come home fast, I have got plans for tonight😉

Jeevan: Look Priya, I can't

Priya: What happened , got wasted ,don't worry I can handle that, now come home baby

Jeevan: Priya, I seriously can't, I'm at Bihaan's

Priya: Thapki will take care of Bihaan

Jeevan: She...she's not here

Priya: Oh....😒,well  that's not my problem................ I get it, you care more about your friends than about your girlfriend, right😠

Jeevan: No you don't understand.... Things are...well... I will explain everything when we meet , okay?

Priya: And when will that be, next day? Next week? Oh I know next month? Perhaps next year ? Better NEXT DECADE? 😡😡😡

Jeevan: Oh god......... not now Priyaaa...

Priya: 😤😤😤

Jeevan: Thapki's missing

Jeevan: We have been looking for her all evening and night, right up till this moment and we have got nothing, NOTHING

Priya: What??? Thapki? Missing? I don't get it???

Jeevan: Bihaan is going mad, I don't know what to tell him...

Priya: Did you inform police?

Jeevan: Bihaan wanted to but I stopped him

Priya: What the hell? Why Jeevan???

Jeevan: Because bihaan showed me the last few messages thapki sent him, and if that is anything to go by then police would be of no use to us

Priya: What? You are not making any sense...

Jeevan: I will explain everything tomorrow, tonight you go home, I am sorry love, please try to understand, I have to be with Bihaan, I can't leave him, I can't lose him too, not again...


Rahul: Hai Bihaan bhaiyya, you there???

Rahul: Hellooo...

Bihaan: Yeah

Rahul: Sleeping???

Bihaan: Not really...

Rahul: Sorry Bhaiyya, but before you actually go to sleep, I think you should switch off the lights of your room

Bihaan: What are you talking about, all the lights are off

Rahul: No it's on, you know I have a habit of studying sitting in the balcony... I can see it from here

Bihaan: Rahul, our bedroom is on the opposite side, there's no way you can see our room from your balcony

Rahul: Oh... sorry not that room, I am talking about the room whose window faces our balcony, well coming to think of it I have never seen lights in that room before tonight, aren't you guys using that as a store room or something? I remember you telling me something like that when you first moved in

Bihaan: Yeah.... it's the store room, but I am sure I switched off all the lights and locked the room, maybe it's Rohan, he might have gone there after I left, don't worry I will go check, thanks for telling me.

Rahul: No prob, oh wait , don't worry, thapki is there in the room now , she will take care of it

Bihaan: WHAT? Thapki? Are you sure it's her?

Rahul: Why? Is she with you ?

 Well.....I can't see the face but there's a girl standing by the window, her face is turned away from me, I kind of assumed it would be thapki, why? Have you got any guests in your house?

Bihaan: No, I don't know......

Bihaan: Shit I can't find the keys... Is she still there???

Rahul: Very funny Bhaiyya...

Bihaan: What happened?

Rahul: Come onnn..... So you still haven't found the keys and you still don't know who the girl is... Is it so?

Bihaan: Yeah.... I mean...... still searching for the keys...

Rahul: And the girl? Its kind of hard not to know a girl when she is standing right infront of you and you are looking at her like that......

Bihaan: What are you talking about?

Rahul: Really?  You want me to say it, fine, that girl by the window, she is not alone now, someone's joined her

Bihaan: Who?

Rahul: You bhaiyya, the B for Bihaan Pandey, I can see your face, you are standing opposite her, and now you are gently tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, okay this girl's got really long hair, she is definetely not thapki , and you've still got that look on your face, who is this girl bhaiyya, I have never seen you look at someone like that, even thapki...



As I always say,  do vote if you liked it and give me your valuable suggestions and opinions through comments, hope you enjoyed this chapter....

Note: Bhaiyya means brother.

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