037 - narration.

129 2 5

1:06 PM - 13 May 18

junghyun stepped out on one of the classrooms after being there for literally half an hour. the sun hit her eyes and she dusted herself back. she exposed her bruised body from being abused and hurt by a group of girls.

she ran her fingers through her hair, limping as she walked. her light footsteps can be heard, afterall, she was locked at the part of the campus where it was quiet. slight beats were heard from her feet harmonizing with the singing that she heard from the end.

as the singing got louder, she took smaller steps and adjusted her posture. 'donghyuck?' she fumbled and got sweaty at the fact that the one that she admires is going to see this state of hers.

she turned her back from the voice and crouched, her body feeling so much hurt and agony. she shook off the pain and bit her lip until it bled, from nervousness. the voice cut off immediately and was calling out for her. "hey siyeon? is that you?" she lifted her head up as she saw the boy staring at her with worried eyes. she mentally cursed, hair covering her eyes but not her eyesight of him.

"why do you have so much bruises on you...?" donghyuck started gently touching her arm, rubbing it to soothe the pain. she mumbled out an 'oh it's nothing' putting her head at the wall beside her. he put his palm at her cheek, lifting her head from the wall to his shoulder. "hey..." he actually was full-on frowning, thinking about who hurt the beautiful girl beside him. she started clutching herself hard, when he heard her crying. "oh no, please don't cry." he wiped her tears of her face with his thumb and started drawing circles on her back to comfort her.

her crying and his voice were the only things that can be heard on the hallway. "siyeon, who did this to you?" this time his voice was stern and serious. her head moved from his shoulders and her fingers glided through her long black hair, brushing it away from her face. he fought a squeal and a curse from seeing her do that. damn she was beautiful.

"i-i..." sobs cut her off from saying anything. donghyuck probably thought it was bad to see her as cute when she was mumbling and stuttering at this moment. "let me take you to the infirmary. i can't bear to see you like this." donghyuck teared his eyes off the girl and tried to help her up. sadly, junghyun doesn't want to go to the infirmary even when she does want to go. the trauma she has, the suffering she had gone to. it was still all inside her head.

she was dancing, when she slipped and got a major injury. her pathetic mom didn't even let her go to a hospital. the one she calls mother dumped her in one of those highways. no food. no clothes. no shelter.

her mom has always hated her in some way. hated how she was being so quiet and introverted. hated on how she looks. hated on why she was so passionate about something she likes. she viewed her as a mistake. a failure. she spent her daughter's time with so much suffering and pain, abusing her and basically throwing her away.

late night thoughts would creep into her mind, it was about life and death. she also hated herself for being like this. she had this trauma of being healed, she always thought 'what's the purpose of getting affection and healing when you're going to get hurt again?'

she spent her night shivering with the temptation of jumping off the brigde by the highway. maybe, just maybe. she'll give herself another chance.

one night has passed.

then, one of the cars stopped on her. a young girl hopped off the car with her parents looking at her with worry. the girl offered help to junghyun, giving her all the things a girl can live with. "hey! i'm kim hyunjung, you could call me seola too. i hope you're doing great here." the girl named seola put her hand on top of junghyun's and gave her an assuring squeeze. "o-oh, um, i'm..." she paused for a while before saying anything. "s-siyeon. my n-name's siyeon."

"donghyuck, i don't want to go to the infirmary..." she sucked in air out of nervousness. he shot her a look of worry before exhaling the thought. maybe she doesn't want to get noticed by a lot of people.

silence overcame the two when donghyuck finally spoke up. "just stay in one of the classrooms. i'll get back to you with medical supplies. take care, okay?" he reassured her with a small smile before heading off. junghyun had trouble speaking but right on cue, she grabbed the back of his shirt and said, "t-then i'll be at our classroom. um..." he gave her another bright smile and nodded at her. her hand instinctively pulled away from the shirt and she backed off immediately. her hands were shaking and her breathing was unsteady.

she felt at home when she saw him smile.

junghyun cursed out loud and tried to hide her blushing face. she was tired but she can't stop squealing about donghyuck.
she grabbed her hair and covered her face with it. everything that he does just melts her heart.

she walked and walked until she got to the classroom. junghyun held the doorknob and turned it to reveal the classroom. it was painted with yellows and oranges, sunlight immediately dashing through the room.

she breathed out a dull sigh and proceeded to go to her seat. she pulled out her chair and plopped herself down. she drowned her body to the chair and looked up to the ceiling. there were no lights, but everytime she flickers her eyes, stars would come up.

she smiled at the thought of stars, she always saw it in his eyes, shining brightly. junghyun put her knees up and close to her chest, hugging it to feel warmth. her cheeks were numb because of the smiling.

the door opened, revealing donghyuck with medical supplies. "siyeonnie? oh, you're there," he saw junghyun with a small closed smile and her eyes glued to the ceiling, her skin tainted golden. the corners of his lips were going upward forming a smile. "oh my god! there's a fire!" donghyuck shouted and acted all panicked. junghyun shot up from her seat, wiping her eyes and cheeks. "wha-" she saw donghyuck with a playful smile, staring at her. while walking towards her, he chuckled out loud, patting his stomach due to the prank he did to junghyun.

"hey, that wasn't nice!" junghyun furrowed her eyebrows and pouted, crossing her arms after that. she can act like herself again because there's no one around except donghyuck. "okay, i'm sorry!" he put his hands up (with the medical supplies) surrendering to the girl infront of him. he smiled like a fool, taking a seat beside her, putting his hands down.

he placed the supplies on his table and moved himself to her, just inches apart. donghyuck ruffled junghyun's hair, taking her bangs with it. he patted her head and leaned back to his seat. "let's get this healed, okay?" pointing at the bruises junghyun got.


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