Chapter Three

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We were now sitting at a table.

Me: Our waitress is a what?
I asked once she was out of earshot.
Jace: We aren't sure. We think she's possibly part nixie because of her eyes, how they are all blue with no white or pupil in them.
Me: I've noticed that.

Our waitress came back with our food and we ate in an awkward silence. I'd eventually look up at him every once in awhile.

Jace: What?
He asked me with a raised eyebrow.
Me: Sorry. I thought I saw something.
Jace: On my face?
Me: No. Behind you.
He looked behind and I pulled out my phone and texted Shelly.

To: Shelly(:


I pressed send. I looked up and saw him looking at me.

Me: Jace? You alright?
Jace: What? Yeah.
I opened my mouth to say something when Isabelle showed up.
Isabelle: Hey. What did you find out?
Jace: There's a block inside her head and someone named Magnus Bane put it there.
Isabelle: That name sounds so familiar. Hold on.
She reached into her bag and pulled out a paper. She unfolded it and read it.
Isabelle: It's a party invitation from someone named Magnus Bane.
Jace grabbed it from her and looked.
Jace: It's tonight. Not until midnight though.
Me: What are we gonna do until then?
Jace: I don't know.
He said annoyed.
What the hell?
Me: Um, I'm not hungry anymore.
I mumbled as I got up.
Me: I'll see you later. Maybe.
I left. Better go home and check on my mom. I haven't heard from her.
I walked there and saw that the fire department was there. I pushed through the huge crowd.
Me: MOM!
I yelled as tears filled my eyes.
Fireman: Are you a resident here?
He came up and asked me.
I nodded.
Fireman: Which apartment do you live in?
I pointed to it.
Me: Is my mom alright?
Fireman: No one was inside. Looks like no one has for the past week or so.
No wonder I haven't gotten any phone calls..
I turned around and ran away from him. I ran back to the Institute and went into the room I was staying in to see Jace in there.
Jace: Where have you been?
I ignored him.
Jace: Savanna?
Me: Leave me the hell alone!
I snapped at him.
Jace: What the hell is wrong with you?!
Me: A lot Jace! First I find out my life has been a damn lie then you start acting different once someone else was around and then I find out my mother is freaking missing!
Jace: There's no reason to take it all out on me!
Me: Oh really?! I'm so sorry because it's not like you're acting like an asshole right now!
Jace: If I'm being such an asshole then leave!
Me: Fine!
I yelled running out of the room. Shelly was coming down the hallway.
Shelly: Whoa! Where are you going?!
Me: I don't know but don't expect to see me anytime soon!
I ran back outside and just continued to run. I stopped once it was getting dark. I sighed as I walked to the park and sat on a bench with my knees up to my chest and my arms around my legs. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I looked.
Me: Yes?
They didn't say anything. They just grabbed hold of me and I screamed as I looked closer and saw the fangs.
I yelled. Wait.. Why am I calling him?! I'M MAD AT HIM! THAT'S WHAT GOT ME INTO THIS MESS! I felt something go over my nose and mouth. It felt like a cloth and I faded into blackness.

**Jace's POV**

Shelly made me go looking for Savanna even though I don't want to. I wasn't really looking around, all I was doing was walking as Savanna's and mine fight went through my head. I heard a scream from the direction of the park and a voice yell my name. It sounded like........Savanna.

Me: Savanna?!
I yelled back as I started to run, looking for her. I got to the top of the hill and I saw a person holding someone.
Me: Damn vampires.
I mumbled as I started to run towards it. As I got closer I saw that he had Savanna. He was bending over her to bite her.
I yelled. I didn't have my weapons with me. He looked at me and his eyes got wide as he recognized what I am. He got up and ran off. I got to Savanna. She was knocked out and I started to shake her.
Me: Savanna. Wake up. Please!
I quickly picked her up and took her back to the Institute. I took her inside and found Hodge.
Me: Hodge. Please help.
I said hearing my voice tremble. I've never done that before. As he started to walk down the hall I followed him. I looked down at Savanna.
Me: I am so sorry.
I whispered.

Hodge had me lay her down in a bed and told me to leave so he could look at her.
Me: No Hodge.
Hodge: Go Jace. Shelly's told me about how she found out from Isabelle that you and Savanna got into a argument. I think you've done enough for a day.
Me: I'll be in my room.
I whispered as I walked out. Isabelle, Shelly and Alec were outside the room. I ignored them as they tried to get me to talk to them and walked to my room. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have told her to leave.. I laid down in my bed and closed my eyes. Better get some rest before that party.


I was back in Idris.
Me: Home? What am I doing here?
I mumbled.
I was inside a house and I looked into a mirror. I was wearing a tuxedo as though I was going to a ball. There was a knock on the door.
Me: Come in.
Isabelle came inside.
Isabelle: You ready?
Me: For what?
Isabelle: The ball dumbo.
She said smiling and chuckled a little. I guess that really is where I'm going. I nodded.
Isabelle: Wait.
She walked over to me.
Me: What?
Isabelle: There's something missing..
I raised an eyebrow.
Isabelle: Oh! I know!
She walked out of the room and came back with a rose with no thorns on it.
Isabelle: Here.
I grabbed it from her.
Isabelle: Now let's go. Don't want to keep your date waiting.
Date? Who's that? I followed Isabelle and Alec after grabbing our masks. I guess it's a masquerade ball. Then I followed them to a building. I looked down at the steps as I walked up them slipping my mask on. I felt someone grab hold of my arm. I looked to see a beautiful girl standing there in a long purple dress and a gold mask on.
The Girl: Trying to sneak past me babe?
Babe? This has to be my date. I shrugged.
Me: I guess you can still recognize me with a mask on huh?
The Girl: Hardly. I only could tell it was you because I recognize that star on your shoulder from anywhere.
I smiled.
Me: Let's go inside.
She smiled at me and nodded making the curls in her hair bounce around. I grabbed her hand and walked inside. I guided her to the dance floor and grabbed her hand and putting my other one on her waist as she held my hand and put her other one on my arm. We danced for awhile.
Me: Let's go outside for awhile.
The Girl: I was about to say that.
She giggled and grabbed my hand leading me outside. I looked up at the stars with her before looking at her. She looked back and started to lean in. I kissed her. As I pulled away I took her mask off and saw it was..Savanna.

**End of Dream**

I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and looked at the time. 9:30 PM. Too early to get ready. I looked and saw Isabelle.

Me: What do you want Isabelle?
Isabelle: She's awake.
Me: Who?
Isabelle: Sa-
As soon as I heard that I ran out of my room and back to where Savanna was. I saw her awake. I smiled and slowly walked over to her.
Me: Hey.
She looked at me.
Savanna: Hodge told me that you saved me.
I nodded.
Me: Well, you did yell for me.
Savanna: I don't know why. I was still mad at you. And I still am.
I frowned.
Me: Savanna, I'm sorry.
She looked at me.
Me: I really am.
I whispered looking down at my hands.
Savanna: Jace?
Me: Yeah?
Savanna: I'm sorry too.
I looked at her to see a tear rolling down her face. I wiped it away with my thumb.
Me: Don't cry.

**Savanna's POV**

Jace: Don't cry.
He said as he wiped a tear away. I hugged him and he hugged me back.
Me: Jace?
I whispered.
Jace: Hm?
Me: I had a..weird dream.
Jace: About?
Me: About you.
He grabbed my hand and ran his thumb over my knuckles.
Jace: I had the same one.
Me: Of going to a masquerade ball?
He nodded.
Me: What do you think it means?
Jace: That maybe we
I looked and bit my lip.
Jace: Want to try?
I quickly nodded before giving him a kiss. He kissed back as he held me by my waist. I put my arms around his neck. I've always wanted to do this. He deepened it as he pulled me closer to him. I pulled away after a minute before things got out of hand. I looked into his gold eyes.
Jace: I love you.
Me: I love you too.
I whispered before pecking his lips.
Jace: Lay down. Get some more rest. We'll go a different time to Magnus alright?
I nodded as I laid down. Jace kissed my forehead and started to leave.
Me: Jace?
Jace: Yeah?
Me: Lay down with me?
He grinned as he came over and I scooted over so he could lay down and he put his arm around me. I smiled at him as I fell back asleep.

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