Chapter 6

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Buttercup sat in her chair, staring straight forward. She heard the teacher talking but she wasn't actually listening. Her mind is elsewhere, thinking of nothing. No that's a lie, she is thinking of someone. She's thinking of Butch, she couldn't believe how nice he is. He's a villain, he should be rude and cruel not nice and supportive. 

That's how villains should be!

But how is he so nice? Butch shouldn't be nice or know what to say to make Buttercup feel better. She sighed as she leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest. She turn towards the window, trying to think of reasons why he is so nice. Maybe he knows who she is, maybe he trying to attack her where she feels safe.

But Buttercup doesn't feel safe in her own skin. Buttercup doesn't even know if she is the right gender! She can't wrap her head around this. She needs to know why Butch is so nice. She needs to know why she doesn't feel right in her gender. She needs to know why she is so into this. She just needs to know who she is, what gender she is and why is Butch so nice to her!

She just needs to know.

Buttercup closed her eyes and started to rub her temples, trying to get rid of the headache in the making. She felt her belt flash, looking down and groaned loudly. People looked over so instead of giving a glare back, she jumped up with her hand raised.

"I need to see the nurse, my tongue just got stuck by a bee!" Buttercup exclaimed.

The teacher looked over with worry, "Go see her now."

Buttercup ran out of the classroom, and made her way towards the roof. Grabbing her belt, she saw Blossom and Bubbles standing there. She nodded with a smile before they did their thing. Changing into their super suit, in a instant Buttercup didn't want to go. As soon the skirt appeared and a tight top, it made her heart race with discomfort. 

Buttercup didn't say anything, instead she just jumped off the roof and flew towards the danger. Buttercup closed her eyes and pushed herself forward. The only thing that she can hear is her heartbeat. It is beating to fast for her liking and it's all because of her outfit. Is really going to affect her this much? Buttercup doesn't know what to say or do. 

"Buttercup!" She heard someone yelled.

Buttercup looked over and saw Bubbles warning and pointing at something. She looked over and saw a large chunk of building falling towards her. She didn't move or even flinch. Instead she only stared at the building, wondering where it's coming from. The chunk of building crashed her, bringing her down to the ground.

She gasped as she landed on the ground. Closing her eyes from pain, she tried pushing away the building but it wouldn't budge. Buttercup groaned and using all her strength, well not really. Buttercup isn't using her super strength at all. Buttercup felt as if she moves this building then she needs to accept herself as it is.

As a girl.

Buttercup doesn't feel like a girl. She only uses the female pronouns because that what's makes her a Powerpuff Girl! The female pronoun is in the name, she can't be a Powerpuff Girl if she is a boy. Her friends wouldn't be her friends either. They would hate Buttercup and ditch her.

Buttercup would lose her only friends she ever known.

"Buttercup?" She heard Butch asked.

Buttercup just groaned in response. 

"Oh jeez, man! I didn't think I would hit you. I was trying to aim for something else." 

"What? The Powerpuff Girls?"

"Nah. Brick bet that I couldn't hit those stupid birds. So I did in a way?"


Butch looked down, "No I'm not. I was really aiming for those stupid birds. Wait why aren't you questioning that I can throw a chunk of a building that's over five-hundred pounds? And how are still breathing and awake?"

"Shut up! You were aiming for me!"

"No I wasn't!"

Buttercup screamed, trying to push the chunk but it only seem to get heavier. Her arms wiggled as she pushed, using more and more of her power. Yet it wouldn't budge. Her power didn't want to connect with her. They didn't course through her veins as usual. They seem to stop at the same place, never going fully through.

"Can't believe you!" Buttercup yelled. "I thought you was nice, I thought you was normal!"

"Who are you?" Butch demanded.

"Buttercup. You know the Powerpuff Girl! How could you not see that? I'm a girl!"

Butch looked at her, narrowing his eyes towards her. 

"No way." Butch muttered.

Heyyo Guyys!!!!!!!!!!

What we thinks??? Buttercup revealing who she is???? Butch being very . . . well dumb??? Sorry for being short but I didn't know I wanted this chapter to play out. I hope you like it. Well tell me your thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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