Chapter Two (after all the mistakes)

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"We always new something was going to happen to Raine ever since she started getting into mishap with those boys from the alley way down the block from her house." The girls said to the police man interrogating them. "What happened the night she disappeared" asked the man with the shiny police badge. The girls kept silent until they had a parent or lawyer involved. Oakley spoke up and asked "Why are we in here? We didn't do anything at all. We told you, it was the boy from the alley." The police man stood up and walked out the heavy metal doors. The girls looked at each other with suspicion. " I am pissed of about this" Piper whined like a terrible screech in her voice. "We all are, now shut up and sit down" Adeline yelled. The police man asked to describe Raine as much as they possibly could. Adeline told the police officer everything about Raine. " She is 16 years old, she weighs around 120 pounds, her height is 5.7 ft and she has blue eyes... oh I almost forgot her favourite book is War And Peace because she loves the twisted mystery. She is also a twisted mystery." Says Adeline to the police man. "Why does he need to know about her favourite book Adeline?" Asked Oakley. "Idk smart-ass, I just thought he should know something normal about her" said Adeline with a strike back at Oakley. The police officer said that it was all the questioning for the night, but they still had to come back at lunch the next day.

The next day... Piper picks up her phone and starts roaming through her text messages, she notices a strange number. She opened the message and it showed a picture of Raine sitting in a chair tied in threaded rope. Piper screamed at the top of her lungs in in disbelief. She didn't understand why there was a picture from a random person, and the picture was of Raine.

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