Chapter 3 (the aftermath)

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Piper was scared out of her mind. She calls the girls to ask if they got a text, she called a group call. "Hello?" Answered Adeline. "I got this text..." added Oakley. "Of Raine tied up? Me too! I'm so scared" answered Adeline and piper at the exact same time. "Was the text from me?" someone asked in a really deep, raspy and almost robotic voice. "Who is this?" Asked Adeline. While the other girls were so scared they hung up the phone. "I have your friend here, and if you want her back you better go show her parents the text I sent you" answered the voice. But Adeline didn't want to scare Raine's parents so she answered "how do I know this is you?". You won't believe what happened next, "help me Adeline, help." The voice sounded like Raines, because it was! Adeline asked where Raine was, but before she could the voice hung up the phone. Adeline ran next door to Raines house and quickly shows her parents. Adeline tries to call the number back but a machine answers "this number is not an available number at this moment, please dial again." She tries to call again, but again "this number is not available at this moment, please dial again." She keeps calling but that same thing keeps repeating. So she ran to Oakleys house and told her the story, oakley called piper and told her. Later that night Adeline gets a phone call, the same voice when Adeline tried to call, almost sounded like an answering machine "you have earned your directions. The cordenents are 5683 Albert drive" then the phone hung up. Adeline jumps up, grabs her keys and runs out the door. Goes to the address she was given, but nothing was there. All she heard was "no, stop, stop, someone please help." It was Raines voice. Adeline started crying and looking around. But couldn't find anything, so she had to go home. She went back the next day with Piper and Oakley. They found an old record player, played it and it was Raines voice "no, stop, stop, someone please help".They were tricked. There was no place and no Raine in sight.

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