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thank for updating 4 me, i appreciate

I'm very glad you're having a 7/8 time in Atlanta with the bathroom TVs, I'm very sorry for not FaceTiming you, I'll scrape up the energy to call you tomorororw and you can show me the personal urinals and Atlanta dollar stores.

I skipped school because I'd basically have study hall the entire day so that'd be boring and I have days to spare, but like an hour after school started I realized that Harding was chopping open the frog brains for us to see, and I missed it so that made me sad.

Also, I'm listening to my my my ( A BOP ) at 1:41 am so that's cool. Traxx forced me to watch him play Minecraft on my phone for 2 straight hours today, and that was pretty great. I hope your time is funning while you're having flies in Atlanta. I'm not sleeping so im bouta write a bunch of these 4 ya. Osteoporosis, Night night.

also, I got new shoes yesterday in the picture up there so that's cool. I probably won't be able to wear them anywhere though because ya know how people be ✨


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