
15 2 2

Der gillgndffxvfvdfbvgbbhfhggibggngghn,

It's currently 5:34 am and I'm watching a very badly-animated but pretty lit movie about alien chiddlers being chased by Voldemort look-alikes, some alien tot just killed a dinosaur and Voldemort #1 is about to take alien #4's blue rock and then alien #6 exploded him and now they're all happy and jock jerk #2 just showed up literally out of nowhere and is giving them blue boxes now. Alien #4 and some girl are now violently making out and making everyone else uncomfortable. What a good ending. Almost as good as Babadook- almost. I could really go for some cake right now. Like, cheesecake or something.

Anygay, good luck at your swim thingie, don't drown :)


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