Your new life

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You've been living with the League of Villains for a while now. It's not a huge party, however, there are a lot of people to get by every day.

You never considered yourself a villain nor a hero. You are what is now called an anti-villain, you were neither good nor purely evil. Luckily for you, with that kind of mindset, you still made it to the League, your quirk helped you out for the most part.

Your quirk is teleportation, which came really handy in your life and as it turned out, in a life of a villain as well.

Moreover, you are living your life of a villain, trying to get by and to become closer with other villains in the League. In general, you're an open and somewhat social person, so becoming "friends" with some of the villains was surprisingly easy.

Toga, a high schooler was your closest friend. She was the only other girl in the League and was really crazy about being BFFs with you in the first place. Dabi, another member, seemed to be distant and cold but you could still get on his good side. Kurogiri was another close friend of yours since your quirks seem to be somewhat similar, you and he spends a lot of time talking and practising together. And, the last but not least, Shigaraki. He was very intimidating yet somewhat relatable and you just couldn't stop your curiosity about him from growing.

To be fair, there were also other villains, unfortunately, though, they didn't appear in the bar much, so you didn't have time to get to know 'em.

Your new life promised to be exciting, however recently that wasn't the case. Every day seemed to be just like every previous one, you sat in the murky bar surrounded by other villains, reading your book in a hardly achievable peace and sometimes chatting with Kurogiri, but maybe that was for the best.

You gotta admit, Toga really didn't let you stay bored either, she is always so energetic and happy, in the end, you found yourself liking her a lot. Sometimes its just nice to talk to another female and as you notice Toga seems as if that's exactly what she needs right now. Your current situation reminded you of the first days in this bar and how you tried to survive them...

In the beginning, you weren't really fond of the new place that you were staying at, not to mention the people you were staying with. The bar was dark and somewhat creepy, it wasn't spacious either. Even though there were rooms on top of the bar, they weren't any better themselves. Since the place didn't have a lot of windows, upstairs looks exactly like the bar, gloomy, creepy and really lonely.

You were put in the same room as Toga and the first days were a complete disaster, you hardly got any sleep because of her nonstop chatting about boys, not to mention the amount of blood you lost...

You tried your best to stay positive though, after some time you got used to her and started enjoying her company, the place seemed to get ur liking as well. The weather in this area was always rainy and for some that might seem even worse but not for you, you loved rain and the combination of a mysterious bar with the sound of rain pouring outside made it a pleasant place for you to be at. You started spending time downstairs sitting on the floor surrounded by pillows and blankets, you seem to find your home. You were happy at once...

For now?

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