:. Chapter Two .:

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| Third Person's perspective | Saturday, May 26, 2018 | 4 pm |

    Peter got off the bus and started his walk to his and Tony's apartment. He had his earbuds in as he kept on his journey. After a few moments, the teenager heard footsteps behind him but when he looked back, nobody seemed to be there. He shrugged it off, thinking it was just his overactive imagination rather than a human being. He saw his apartment and went inside the building, heading to the elevator. He hit the button for the 3rd floor and started ascending. When the ride ended, he went to his room and got out his key, unlocking the door.

    He locked the door back after he got inside, setting his key on the table. The fifteen year old walked to the kitchen to get a few snacks before he started on his homework. Being in AP classes, he had tons of homework daily. He made his way to his room and sat his snack down on the desk, sitting down on the seat infront of said desk. Peter knew he'd be home alone for a few hours due to Tony's work, so he decided to get his homework out of the way. 

    After about half an hour there was a knock at Peter's door. The kid, thinking it was just Steve or Bucky, went to the door and opened it. He was greeted by some sketchy looking dudes and he immediately closed the door back, suddenly in a panic. Peter locked the door and quickly ran to Tony's room. He called his adoptive father after he locked the door to Tony's room. The phone rang for a few moments until Tony answered.

    "Hey kid, what's up?" Tony said, a little bit of worry in his voice knowing that Peter only calls if there's an emergency.

    "Mr. Stark, there's these r-really sketchy dudes at our d-door and I accidentally opened the door cause I thought it was M-mr. Rogers or Mr. Barnes but it wasn't and I-I closed the door and I'm in your r-room with the door l-locked. I'm scared, Mr. S-stark ... th-they won't go away, they keep kn-knocking at the door." Peter's heart was racing from the pounding that the men were causing.

    "Pete, stay in my room until I text you telling you it's safe to come out. I'll be there in about 5 minutes." The father said, quickly leaving his work.

    "P-please hurry, M-mr. Stark ... I-I'm really scared .." The high schooler was on the verge of having a panic attack right on the spot.

    "I'll be there, just hang on kiddo." 

    And with that, Tony hung up, rushing to his apartment to keep Peter safe. He made it there in under five minutes, possibly breaking speed limits. He rushed up to the elevator, going up to his floor and to his room. When he reached his destination, he saw three men who looked up to no good. "Can I help you, fellas?" Tony asked, standing tall.

    "No, sir, you cannot. Have a lovely day." And the men left. Suspicious, yes, but Tony sighed in relief and texted Peter, saying it was okay for him to exit his room. He walked into their shared apartment and was greeted by a hug from his son.

    "Th-thank you, Mr. St-stark" Peter smiled up at his father, calming down.

    "I've got a date with Stephen tomorrow while you're at school so if you need anything, text either of us. Go get some rest, Pete." Tony smiled as Peter went to his room and  went to sleep. He soon followed suit, going to his own room to get some shut eye.

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