:. Chapter One .:

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| Third Person's perspective | Saturday, May 26, 2018 | 7 am |

    Tony Stark awoke to the sound of his son, Peter Parker, rushing around the house. He got up and walked to the living  room to see papers scattered all over the place. "Pete? What's going on, kid?" Tony asked, making Peter look up from the mess on the floor.

    "Shit! Mr. Stark! Sorry didn't mean to wake you! I lost my homework and I'm trying to find it, sorry for the mess. I didn't mean for it to get this big, I just really really need to find my homework- it's algebra, probably should have mentioned that earlier- and I'm about to be late for school-" Peter rambled on about the missing homework.

    Tony looked at the kid, shaking his head slightly, and picking up a piece of neatly written on paper which just so happen to be algebra. "Is this it?" He asked his son.

    Peter inspected the paper for a moment before taking it and smiling brightly at his father, "Yes! Thank you, Mr. Stark!" He quickly put the paper in a folder then into his backpack.

    Tony smiled back fondly at Peter and nodded, "Of course, kiddo. And how many times do I have to tell you that you can call me Tony?" He laughed softly at the fact that the fifteen year old still called him Mr. Stark even though he'd been living with Stark for two years.

    "I prefer to call you Mr. Stark! It just seems right, yknow?" The teenager replied, starting to head out the door. "Bye, Mr. Stark! I'll see you after school!" And with that, the high schooler was out the door, makin his way to the bus stop.

    Tony smiled and went to his tiny office that was in their apartment. While he'd prefer a bigger apartment, the small apartment was nice and cozy. He gathered up some paperwork for his new inventions & his employees. He picked up his phone and walked out the door, heading to the Stark Industries building.

    Meanwhile, Stephen Strange was currently trying to get the guts to text his friend and crush, Tony, to ask him on a date. Stephen would normally have work at this time, but his boss gave him a day off, knowing that the former doctor was trying to ask someone out. Stephen let out a sigh, picking up his phone, starting to text Tony.

Hey Tony! I would much rather do this in person but as I don't see you much, I have to do this over text messages. I would like to know, would you want to go on a date with me?

    Stephen pressed send and waited for a response from the inventor. He smiled at the text and put his head back, still keeping watch on his phone slightly.

Tony Stark is typing . . .

I would love to, Stephen!

Stephen's face was covered in an ear to ear grin. He was over the moon joyful that Tony agreed to go on a date with him! He immediately sent a response to him.

How does tomorrow at 12 pm work for you?

The pair continued texting, agreeing to meet up the next day at noon. Soon, their conversation was sadly cut short as both of them had other things to do. The pair were both excited and nervous for their date but nothing could ruin their joy. Or at least that's what they thought . . .

:. Lovers .: | Domestic! Ironstrange AuHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin