Alex - tiaisnotcool22

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You were the hurricane, Alex. For good or for worse, you met me. We had an influence on each other, and what exactly made a difference for both of us is unknown to me. But what I do know is that I love you, and will always love you. You healed my heart and made a storm blaze through it at the same time. There are two totally different sides to you, Alex. One time you're kind and understanding, but sometimes you can be so, so angry at everything and you hate your life. But that's maybe how we found each other, I was trying to survive, while you were trying to end it. We were so different, but so similar at the same time. And maybe that's what Hannah noticed, before she killed herself. You were like her, you felt similar feelings, but in the inside you were yourself. Alex, your problems do not define you. I love you for who you are, despite everything you're going through. I had hoped that I could be there with you, but I can't. Not anymore. Alex, I may have lost my battle with cancer, but I'll always be with you in your heart. I'll watch over you, always.  You were the one reason why I was still fighting, still holding on. But now is my time to go, my battle is over and I've lost. But you will keep on fighting, right? Don't give up your battle. You'll win it, I'm sure. You're so strong my love, so, so strong. Just, don't give up. I love you.

The tape ended, and I wiped away a tear. This was what I had recorded a year ago, when the Doctors had just told me that I would die. But here I was, together with Alex, listening to it. He kissed the top of my head, "I love you too," he gave me a small peck on my lips, "and I'll never let you go. No matter what happens. I'll never let you go." Our lips reconnected, both longing for each other as if it was our last day. Our kiss was passionate but sweet, I was lost in this moment. I was somewhere else where everything was perfect. I was lost in his paradise.
Let this moment last forever.

Okay, so this was a bit short, but I thought this was the perfect ending. Thanks tiaisnotcool22 for requesting!

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