No longer Friends

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Yasmine can be anyone you want but to me, she looks like Her^^^

I finish up my shift at the movie theatre early because Sasha and I were planning on going back to school shopping. Since I have my own job I don't have to depend on my mother for things.

"You leavin early Yas?" Rashad my co-worker asks me. I've lowkey have always had a little crush on him he has this certain alpha male aura about him that I like. Not to mention he is fine as hell, his your standard light skin fuck boy with a hypnotizing smile.

"yea can you cover for me?" I say batting my eyelashes cleaning off the counter. He looks me up and down licking his lips. Ever since the beginning of the summer I've been getting a lot more male attention. Sasha, my only friend helped me by lending me her clothes and doing my hair. But I'm not worried about boys right now I'm focused on my academics so I can get into the college of my choice and get out of a house with my abusive stepdad and weak ass Mom.

"Its gonna cost you a lil sumthing," he says jokingly poking out his lips. For now, Shad and I are just friends and I try to make that clear.

"It's not gonna cost me anything because you're a good friend and you love me," I say giving him and hug he mugs me twisting his lip "Ard." He coughs up. And I run off to the food court. I see Sasha standing talking with some boys and I roll my eyes. She's not a hoe but somehow manages to be surrounded by nigga's alllllllll the time. I walk up to them

"She has to go." say dragging her away.

"Why you do that, I was gonna get that dark skin one number for you." I roll my eyes at her comment, shes always so fixed on getting me a boyfriend since I've never had one.

"Whatever, what store do you want to go to first?" I ask her.

"Forever 21!" She yells and I give her a stink face. Sasha has two working parents in her life and doesn't really have to worry about money.

"I'm broke, not ballin like you." I said causing her to laugh "So we can go to Primark." Sasha says and I nod my head yes. We start to walk towards the store. I feel someone bump me.

"Excuse yourself." Sasha snaps swing around ready for a confrontation. We turn to come face to face with Kehlani and I roll my eyes, everything about her just irritates me.

"How about you tell your friend to watch where she's going," he says referring to me with a devilish smirk. I could feel Sasha getting angrier.

"Come on Bunny Boo she ain't even worth it," I say using her nickname in an attempt to calm her down. "Yea, listen to ya friend," she utters nodding her head towards me then walking away.

"Nah I hate that bitch, she really did you dirty. She a fucking Pussy and I will fuck a bitch up in the mall!" she yells making sure Kehlani could hear.

"Come on," I say dragging her towards Primark.

"Yea let me find my girl some clothes," Sasha says changing her attitude to happy. This girl's mode swings are ridiculous I laugh to my self in my head.



"Girl that outfit is gonna look sexy as fuck on you I can't wait to see you tomorrow." She says jumping up and down and I laugh at her.

"There goes ya little boo," Sasha says. I turn around to see Rashad walking towards us.

"That is not my boo. I kept telling you that." I plea with her.

"What's up Sasha," he says before directing his attention to me. Rashad had just moved here from Alabama so he didn't know my full history, but Kehlani is his cousin so she was sure to fill him in on my past. But he didn't care and we've been good friends ever since.

"You wanna go to Chick-Fil-a or sum? I know you hungry." He says giving me a smile.

I frown at him and cross my arms "What's that supposed to mean? I hope you ain't calling me fat."

"See you always get an attitude when you're hungry." He pleads.

"I don't have any money I spent it all on shopping." I hold out my bags.

He grabs them "You know I got you Yas." He says putting his arm around me.

"See you later." He says to Sasha as he drags me off. I turn back around to her as she mouths "go get that dick". I shake my head "Bye Sasha."

We get to the Chick-Fil-a and I stop at the door. "What's wrong?" Rashad asks. I nod my head towards Amara, Kehlani, and Serria.

"I'm not in the mood to get jumped today Sasha's not even with me. And they're gonna beat me 10 times harder because I'm with you." I turn to walk away and he pulls me back.

"They ain't gonna try shit while I'm here. Come on we bouta eat." His confidence makes me laugh and makes me feel more comfortable. We walk and I can feel their eyes on me but I brush it off. "What you want?"

"A spicy chicken sandwich meal with Polynesian sauce," I say smiling I am addicted to Chick-Fil-a.

"Ard I got you, go find a seat while I order." I nod my head and go find a seat. Once I sit down the phone buzzes I look and see that it was my big brother asking me where I was. I swear he's more of a parent to me than my actual mother is. I look up to see where Rashad was, he was at the cash register. I see him pull out a huge stack of cash my eyes widen. I knew Rashad and Kehlani dealt drugs but dang. I direct my attention back to my phone as it buzzed in my hand it was my brother calling.

"I'm at Chick-Fil-a Tj."

"Ard I was just making sure you didn't want anything to eat cuz I'm bouta go to the club."

I roll my eyes my brother lives at the club "I'm alright just don't stay out too late we got school tomorrow."

"I'm not. But I gotta go, love, you."

"Love you too," I say as I hang up.

"Who was that?" Shad says placing my food in front of me.

"Thanks and that was my Brother," I say taking a sip of my juice. He nods his head taking a bite of his sandwich.




Shad gets up to throw our food in the trash. "I thought you liked girls." I look up to see Serria with Amara and Kehlani in back of Serria, Kehlani on her phone. I turn my attention to my phone ignoring her. "Bitch I know you hear me," she says getting close to me.

"What's up?" I say standing up.

"She ain't gonna do shit. Sit yo ass down." Kehlani says stepping hella close to me.

"Chill Lani." Amara says pulling Kehlani back.

"Yo what Y'all all up on her for?" Rashad says grabbing my hand.

"You fucking her or something," Kehlani says looking me up and down. I really hate this girl she's always in my business every boy that is even remotely interested in me she ruins it I truly don't know why she hates me so much.

"Come on let's go," I say grabbing Shad's hand and walking to his car.

We get into the car. We drive in the car for a little in silence "I'm sorry that they treat you like that." Shad says looking at me.

"It is what it is don't be sorry for me. Them holding a grudge from 8th grade is not my problem I got way bigger problems than them not liking me." I say giving him a smile as he stops outside of my house.

"That's why I like you. You different and you always be on ya own shit." He says putting his hand on my thigh. He grabs my face and kisses me on my forehead "friend zoned" again.

"Bye," he says as I turn to get out the car.

"Bye, Shad." I walk to my front door and open it as he drives off.

"Who was that?" My stepdad voice spoke through the darkness

"My friend," I say making my way through the living room down to my room but I feel my stepdads body behind me.

"Don't ever come home this late especially if it's with a nigga." He spat gritting his teeth. I waited for him to leave hoping he wouldn't come down to the basement where my room is. He finally leaves and a huge weight is lifted off my chest.

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