Amour Condamné

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Amour Condamné
Book I
Chapter 1- Volunteer
"I need a volunteer!" David Rossi proclaimed calling out to all the newbies from where he stood on the catwalk. He leaned far over resting his elbows on the cold steel of the railing; peering down at the few new agents who had been excepted into the FBI. Aaron Hotchner stared up at his mentor, smirking to himself as he saw no hands go up.
"Ok, I need a volunteer to spend the day - possibly more - with a extremely wealthy family, who happens to have a hot daughter." He called and watched as this time everyone stopped what they were doing and hands shot straight up...except none other then Agent Hotchner. He had some important questions on the new case he was working, and he certainly didn't need any distractions.
"What's the catch?" He heard the familiar voice of Jason Gideon rumble in his ear, and chuckled to himself.
"How about you Jason?" Rossi smirked spotting the two agents in the middle of the room, leaning against Aaron's desk.
"Unfortunately I have a girlfriend," Jason answered.
"That doesn't excuse you from your like of duty." Rossi retorted calmly. In that voice that could make any man break down in per anger.
"Or...Agent Max Ryan asked me to meet him here." Everyone began to laugh quietly around them and Aaron made a mental note to tease him about that later.
"Alright then. What about you Aaron?" Rossi asked titling his head ever so slightly to the left.
"Well actually I have some important questions pertaining to the case I'm currently assigned to. I - uh - um - was wondering if you could answer them for me." He stated straightening his back and squaring his shoulders when he spoke to the older agent he respected so greatly. Rossi facial expression softened when detected the smallest bit of nervousness in Aaron's voice.
"I'll tell you what, since your so focused on your work I'll help you out. How about just this once I'll finish the case for you, and we scan still go over any questions you had when you come back." Rossi suggested rising and motioning for the younger agent to follow him when he turned for his office. All the other agents went back to busying themselves with their previous activities. Aaron followed behind him closing Rossi's door behind him.
"Sir, I - I - don't - I don't know." Hotchner stuttered.
"Come on work so hard everyday and only a fool would turn this down. Not to mention your getting paid!"
"Agent Rossi..."
"Now, you don't strike me as a fool Agent Hotchner." Rossi cut him off immediately then smiled.
"Why are you doing this?"
"Because I like you, Aaron. Your a hard worker, your kind and I've watched you put everyone's else's need before your own in the short amount of time you've been here. You put your best into each case. And your a damn good she's around your age."
"Ah - the truth came out! Finally!" The younger agent laughed folding his arms tightly against his chest.
"You need a life, your still young. I've watched my life go by, and I regret not taking some of the opportunities I could have." Rossi explained leaning back in his leather chair throwing right leg over left.
"I just don't want people to think I got my job by sweet talking my boss."
"Aaron you've worked too hard for too long for anyone to think that. And - besides I know how draining this job can be." Sitting up Rossi motioned to the endless piles of paper work in his office.
"I guess I could use a break," Aaron sighed finally sitting across from his mentor.
"Ahta-boy!" Rossi clapped his hands, then handed Hotchner the family's case file.
"The Prentiss family. Prentiss." Hotchner mulled the name over in his mouth. He actually quit liked it especially the way it rolled off his tongue.
"Alright, go get 'em tiger!" Roost laughed patting his friend on the back who seems to be all filled with giddy now. Rossi exited his office following Aaron and then turned to the catwalk again.
"I need another volunteer!" He called for the second time that day.
"What is it this time boss? Giving away your house?"
"Actually it's not a's a mansion. But, no agent better. I choose you Gideon."
"Sir, I really should get -" Rossi cut him off immediately.
"Bring me the files on Agent Hotchners desk. I'm going to hand them out for the rest of you to complete." He commanded hearing all the groans as he turned to enter his office again.
"Oh - and - while your at it, take out my trash too."
Meanwhile, young Agent Hotchner found himself on the doorstep of a very large, well decorated mansion. He stared wide-eyed at the big, red, heavy looking door that would lead into the white castle. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't lift his arm to knock, it felt-in a way-as heavy as an anchor. He let a sigh escape his lips before making the decision to move out of the chilling silence and knock. But before he could even feel the deep red wood under his knuckles, the door flew wide open, hitting him in the face. He heard a sickening crunch; not even knowing what had happened yet, he was still in utter shock when he stumbled down the marble stairs, only to land in a field of plush green grass. Finally being able to think coherent it thoughts, he brought his hand up to his bleeding nose slowly, pinching the bridge of his nose and wincing in pain. It was broken.
"Damn it," he muttered under his breath, fingering the large swell that was sure to stay on his nose for life.
"Who are you?" Hotchner stared blankly at a pair of Michael Kors boots that lay in front of him. His eyes slowly traveled up long, never ending legs, with a stare so intense it could have been a physical caress. He noticed the curvy swell of her hips, her slim built midsection, her long torso, perfectly sized breasts with generous cleavage showing, a tiny neck, and finally a beautiful face. Pale skin, red lips, dark brown pools for eyes, hair like ebony, slightly flushed cheeks. She was a picture of Snow White. She was like a goddess standing there before him. He rubbed his eyes profusely, thinking he was hit harder than he thought. He stared, not unlike a lovestruck puppy.
"Hello..." The beautiful brunette teased, her voice dripping with sarcasm, waving her hand from side to side. Hotchner followed the motion, eyeing her slender long fingers and tiny wrists.
"Hi," He answered cooly.
"Who are you?" She replied, this time in a more snappy tone.
"I- Uh - I - Well, I was sent by..." He was stumbling over his words; feeling vulnerable under her gaze, he tried distracting himself by observing the way her tiny hands curled on her hips. Everything about her was perfect. She was perfect.
"I am Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner from the FBI. I am currently at the BAU - or the..."
"Behavioral Analysis Unit." She finished his statement. He stared doe-eyed the moment he realized she has a knowledge of his work. He sifted, feeling the Earth sift with him. He then realized he was still on his ass in the mud. So he then rose to his full height, standing for a moment until his vision cleared. Then he stuck his non-bloody hand hand out for her to shake.
She almost felt a spark the moment their hands touched, but it was gone so fast that she was sure she imagined it. Little did she know, the man standing in front of her with the gun-calloused hands, felt the same thing. He was sure he was in the presence of an angel.
"I am so sorry about that," She commented, motioning to his bloody face. "I just saw a strange man at my door and immediately thought unsub." She laughed, turning a redish color.
"Unsub. Do you mind me asking if you're currently studying Criminology?"
"Yes, actually. At Yale University. I'm in DC for the week, just visiting because my badgering mother is worried about 'my safety'. Yeah right, safety my ass!" She slipped, making quotation marks in the air with her hands.
"That's probably more than you wanted to hear. Sorry for my scatterbrained-ness." She laughed.
"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I hit an FBI agent in the face!" She spluttered, her cheeks dusted the slight color of red.
'God, she's beautiful when she blushes," Hotch thought before saying, "Don't worry about it. But would you mind if I cleaned up a bit?" He questioned, motioning to the grass stains and beat up face.
"Oh, yes! Of course, please come in!" She answered, leading him into her house. But before she was in the door, she felt a weight fall on her shoulder, so she turned to face him.
"Oh, and by the way, your scatterbrained-ness is adorable... if I may say." He smiled before taking the lead into her house, leaving her in a speechless blush.

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