Amour Condamné

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Book: 1 Amour Condamné
Chapter: 3 - nick name

"Sorry about that." Emily broke the awkward silence that lapsed between the two; before continuing on her merry way, and he padded after her.

"Don't worry about it - I mean - I've seen worse."

"I bet you have." She giggled, actually giggled and it made his heart skip a beat. They entered what looked like an old office, with the personal affects not touched. He was desperate to know more about her. He only knew what the file gave, but he wanted to know everything. She was, in a way, a total mystery to him. So naturally he did the thing he does best, he profiled.

"Agent...Hotchner. Well if your going to be sticking around for a while, I think I'll give you a nick name. So you know my mothers staff feels more comfortable. That way no one is on edge and I can break you."
'Shes trying to lesson your authority, make you equal. Probably because her mother has so much authority over her own life.' He rattled off in his head.
"A nick name huh?" He played along, "any suggestions?"

"What do they normally call you?"
'The use of "they" is interesting. She's categorizing herself amount them.' His inter monologue continued. She casually handed him dress pants before heading over to the closet to gather the rest of his outfit. He looked at her as if all hope was lost because she had men's clothing.
"My father - he - um - he died when I was young. I insisted ok keeping his personal things untouched. I know that's weird but I feel like I'm waiting for him to come home to me." And the moment she said that, he stopped profiling her. She felt the same way he did about his dad. And he could tell that the woman that stood before him had been through hell. When she was ready to open up to him, he'd listen, but he wouldn't push her.

"That's not weird at all. Actually, I know exactly how it feels to loose a father. Mine died when I was a teenager."

"I'm sorry to hear that," she said in a very sincere, quiet tone. To lighten the mood the agent found himself moving to stand behind her, his breath tickled her ear.

"A nick-name." He reminded.

"Mm-hm." She turned to face him. She was so close. He could feel the crown of her hair line against his forehead, see the shadows her long eyelashes created on her

"My friends call me Aaron."

"That's not a nick-name." She whispered.

"Well I don't hear any ideas on your part."

"Ok, well we can't shorten Aaron about...double A for Agent Aaron?"

"Now Emily, I should probably assure you that I'm not a spy in a movie." He retorted and he moved to brush a soft curl behind her ear which was a bold move, but she leaned into the simple embrace. She giggled at both his comment and touch. The musical laughter lifted his spirits.
"What about Hotch?" She bit down on her bottom lip after she concluded, waiting for praise. Her cheeks flushed.
'God your beautiful.' He wanted to say but instead he said, "Hotch. I like it."

"Hotch...see it rolls off the tongue better then Agent Hotchner." She mused turning back to the closet.
"Hey now, I think Aaron rolls off he tongue quite nicely."

"Um, well yes." She paused smirking to herself. She turned back to him hanging him the rest of his outfit, she just had to see his face after her next comment.
"But Aaron sounds more like something I would scream during sex."

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