Amour Condamne

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Book 1: Amour Condamné
Chapter 2: At First Glance

"Well, how about we get your battle wound cleaned up first before we get you a new outfit?" Walking into the very large kitchen Hotchner stared up at the grand white molding as he passed. Her house, her - mansion was the definition of class. The young agent found it harder and harder to restrain his jaw from dropping as they ventured further and further. He watched as she pulled down a very large first aid kit down from the cabinet; rummaging through to find the tools she would need. He couldn't believe he'd be spending probably a week here with her. He couldn't believe he would have to check in every day for the rest of the summer. And he absolutely couldn't believe how lucky he was to be standing in front of the most beautiful woman alive. Not to mention that she was a Prentiss, probably the richest, most well respected Ambassador in the entire United States.
"Uh - I - never did get a name." He commented breaking the silence that lapsed between the two brunettes without even thinking. But, she of corse, ignored his comment and continued walking around her kitchen. But to the agent she wasn't walking she was floating. He was memorized by her walk, her beauty. And usually Hotchner wasn't the type of guy who pursued a girl because of looks. But, he sure did find himself wanting to pursue the beauty that stood before him goss in hand. She began to skillfully dap his bloody nose, grabbing another piece of goss she pinched the bridge of his nose like he had earlier but she gently pushed his head back.
"You know it's probably broken."
"Hum?" He again found himself lost in thought about the goddess in front of him.
"Your nose, it's probably broken." She continued to clean out his wound then added a moistened paper towel to remove all the stickiness from his face. He was amazed at how gentle she was being. She practically had the want to help and protect oozing out of her. She would make a brilliant agent he was sure. Before he knew it she had his nose tapped up and all cleaned.
"There you go," she smiled gaze cast down to reveal two big beautiful dimples.
"Thank you." And he found himself smiling like a fool at the thought that he made her happy. 'For gods sake you don't even know her name! Stop acting like a fool!' But he couldn't. He took the time to drink her in. She wore a white flowy top with black, sleek leggings; it made her look like she just stepped out of a fashion magazine. Hotch couldn't help but let his mind make up some less then modest daydreams about her as he watched her clean up around the kitchen. He admired the way her hair bounced slightly as she walked, and the way she swayed her hips in a beautifully torturous fashion, obviously for show but...still. Her hair...was absolutely gorgeous the way the light shimmered and shinned at every fold of her delicate soft curls. She made him develop a new hair fetish. She had it in a half up half down fashion except she allowed a few strands to fall, framing her face.
"Emily." She spoke in a soft whisper.
"Excuse me?"
"My name is Emily." She spoke up this time so her could hear her comment. And then she walked away, disappearing down the hall.
'Emily.' He thought to himself, 'how perfect Emily and Aaron.'
"Are you coming?" He heard her tease.
"Sorry?" He ran after her calling down the hallway.
"Well, you need knew clothes don't you? We can't let the ambassador see you like that." She laughed,
stopping to fist a hand in his now stained shirt, then to brush it flat again with the back of her fingers admiring his deliciously firm chest that laid underneath the fabric.
"Right, okay. Lead the way, Emily." He made sure to emphasis her name in his sentence just to get a smile out of her.
'Your an agent at work, you need to stop flirting.'
'God he's handsome. Thick black hair, grey eyes, high cheek bones, his' She this time was lost in thought until the devil herself made an appearance.
"That must have been quite the accident you had there. Care to explain Agent?" The stern voice of Elizabeth Prentiss broke through the relaxed flirtatious banter the brunettes were previously participating in. Her expressionless, big, black eyes burned a hole straight through Aaron's chest - or at least it felt like they did.
'I'm gonna master that stare someday.' He made a mental note. It would have been a great start to use on unsubs.
"Well I..." Emily tried to cut in.
"Excuse me, did I ask you?" Her mothers shrill voice silenced Emily. She literally stiffened and Hotchner noticed.
'How could any child grow up with that?' He wondered.
"Excuse me agent, but I believe I asked you a question. And in my house you will answer all my questions." Her blinkless eyes combined with her constant frown made a shiver run up his spine. This woman was as cold as ice.
"Uh - of corse. Sorry, Ma'am. I actually..." His voice trailed off as his gaze searched for Emily's. He didn't want to get her in trouble...he wanted to protect her. Her mother was scary enough as it is. He was a FBI agent so he knew he'd be able to keep a straight face.
"Before I came here I was finishing an open case...that's why I was late. I was chosen to take down the unsub - I mean - criminal. But I didn't want to keep the Ambassador waiting any longer so I figured it would be alright if I changed here, considering I'll be spending the next summer with you and your family." He lied smoothly.
"Well, that's quite exciting, it must have been an interesting fight. This is why I don't want my daughter going into such a dangerous field when she could have an amazing career in the government. But I can't wait to hear all about this fight...on the news." That made him swallow thickly but he allowed no emotion through he just smiled and nodded. He saw from the corner of his eye Emily was shifting her weight uncomfortably under her mothers gaze. He hoped it didn't give him away.
"Ok, mother now that you've interrogated him..."
"I make it my job to know everything about anyone who enters this house Emily." The tension between the two was very clear and it didn't take a profiler to see it. The ambassador didn't even turn to face her daughter when see spoke to her. More like snapped at her. But the older Prentiss turned and sashayed away followed by her two body guards. The agent could finally let out a sigh of relief. Thank god. He then decided so far Emily was by far his favorite of the Prentiss household.

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