Amour Condamné

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Amour Condamné

Book 1

Chapter 4 A Body Guard that can't open doors

Hotch followed her to the guest bathroom and changed. Once the task was complete he leaned back against the sink. He pulled the Prentiss case file from his original suit jacket. Hotch skimmed through the file and reminded himself why he was here. Protection. Nothing more, nothing less. He was there to do security sweeps, check new house employees, and bodyguard the lovely Emily Prentiss. They were worried about the ambassadors safety and her family's before she went over seas again. He was there to make sure the chef wasn't a spy trying to kill the family with bad chicken, or to make sure the garbage man didn't have a history of smashing peoples skulls as easily as trash. The worst part was he was only able to stay in that house for three days. Then he would check in once every week until September. Which means he only had the summer. He had noticed the body guards following around the ambassador and he could tell the independent Emily Prentiss defiantly objected to the idea. He could already tell she was stubborn. Just like him. But whose to say he won't enjoy this summer while it lasts? Kiss up to the ambassador and play nice with Emily. With this kept in mind he exited the bathroom or attempted to but the door was stuck. He tried again to open the door with no luck. Then he noticed Emily jiggling the handle on the other side and he erupted into a deep belly laugh. "This is pathetic" he laughed out.

"If you kick it down you pay for it."

"Yeah that won't be happening because I really can't afford it." He sighed.

"Ok, let's try this again on three push as hard as you can." She suggested.

"Three!" He yelled and they tried again. The grunts and squeals coming from both of them had Emily floored with laughter.

"We...we...we sound like we're giving birth!" She breathed out between giggles. Hotch couldn't help but chuckle along with her. Emily stood up and rested a hand on the door to support her weight and the next thing she knows she's being flung inside. Emily tumbled on top of him. He planted on the marble sink top. His lower back was throbbing but he really didn't care not when he had an Emily Prentiss in his arms.

"Wow good to know my 'body guard' can't even open doors but my sheer body weight is enough to send the door flying open." He just chuckled and couldn't take his eyes off of her. Her cheeks flushed, giggling, hair thrown around them like a was almost perfect. He folded a delicate curl behind her ear. And she knew he did the sweet yet simple act without even thinking. She gazed up at him eyes black, drinking in his every line, every curve of his jaw. His arms were banners around her back.

"Well, this is oddly intimate." She finally broke the silence looking down to the way their bodies were pressed together almost seamlessly. She could feel his hot breath on her throat; it would travel down to her collar bone were it would cool. It sent shivers down her spine. He sad nothing just watched in amazement as her heated cheeks turned more red and she bit her lip and smiled at the same time. He loved how she would glance up at him every once in a while as if unsure. He never met a girl like this. She brought a hand up to play with her fathers old tie he wore. It was red. The first red tie he would own.

'I think I should wear suits to work more often.' He was thinking as she conjured up all sorts of fantasies with his suits.

'This fits him really well maybe I should him all of them.' She thought as he slowly moved his head closer to hers.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" She gasped when she realized she had all her body weight on him. Little did she know he didn't mind a bit. Not when he had his hand moving lower and lower to where her back met her perfectly built ass-cheeks. Emily felt things being rushed so she pulled away.

"I'm sorry Emily I don't know what I was thinking - no I wasn't thinking."

"What are you talking about Hotch it's fine. Really." She bent down to pick up to door knob that was knocked off.

"Sorry for crushing you to a million pieces on that sink." She giggled.

"Are you kidding? Having you in my arms was extremely- I mean....I'm babbling aren't i?"

"Just a little." She gestured with her fingers. "But I liked it too." She continued.

"You couldn't possibly know that's what I wanted to say." He pointed out.

"Aaron, I'm going to school to be a big bad profiler just like you." She commented.

"Right." He murmured.

"Teddy!" She called out down the hallway.

"Whose...Teddy?" Hotch wandered.

"Yes Miss. Emily?" A tall older man came running in a tailored suit.

"Can you call someone to come and fix this?" She handed him the door knob.

"Of corse Miss. Emily." Then he was gone.

"You know his name tag said Richard right?" Hotch bluntly pointed out.

"I'm aware..." Emily retorted.

"When I was a little girl, I always wanted a dog named Teddy. But with my mothers lifestyle she would only let me have one cat. So one day, I come home crying from a new school, some kids were picking on me...and my cat, Princess, is dead. Laying on her bed dead. Of old age of corse but still, it was sad. I wanted that puppy more then ever at that time. And the only person who noticed I was upset in the entire house was Richard. He came in and said I could call him Teddy. He helped me give my pet a funeral and we played the rest of the day. After that he became a oh - I don't know - a kinda best friend to me. One I would never loose as I moved away because he went with me. And one who could actually look out for me. It was cool." She smiled, eyes lost in the memory. Her and Teddy were really close. Hotch couldn't help but smile too, somehow the little image of a eight year old Emily Prentiss came to mind having a tea party with her butler. It amused him and tugged at his heart strings. The rough and tough Agent Hotchner wasn't one to 'aw' at babies and smile at bouncing puppies. But, with this woman he was totally different. He just met her. If he was this attached already he was in trouble.

* * * * * * * * *

By the end of the day it was time for Hotchner to head back to the Bureau. In total he battled two doors, watched two movies, helped study, ate two meals, wore two pairs of clothes, and finished three cases he was assigned to. All with Emily. And he enjoyed every minute of it. He didn't want to come here at first and now he didn't want to leave.

"You know the only reason I'm letting you leave is because I know you are coming back tomorrow." Emily tested while throwing the last box of her dad's suits in his trunk. Of corse she kept some suits just in case Hotch gets messy next time he's here. He smirked to himself as he saw Emily walking up to his side of the car through his side view mirror.

"I'll only be back if there's no battling doors tomorrow." Emily laughed at his comment, knowing he was referring to her hitting him in the face with the heavy front door.

"Sorry about that again."

"You know Emily I really enjoyed today." He said with all honesty.

"I had more fun with you then I think I've had since high school." He continued which made her smile.

"Well it's sad it's only three days."

"Yeah, about that...I was wandering. If you know...when this is over..."

Her heart fluttered she couldn't believe he was asking.

"We should, you know...hang out sometime. When this is over of corse and keep this all strictly professional."

"Id like that." She couldn't contain her happiness.

"See you tomorrow?"

"It's a date." She waved as he slowly pulled out of her drive way.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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