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Hi, my names Adam and I've never been kissed! I'm almost 17 and I've still never been kissed and I still don't know why . I mean I'm tall-ish I'm nice and well that's it but still. Am I really that un-kissable.
Anyway my life is pretty normal single mom 2 little sisters blah blah blah and my best friend Gracie. Gracie is my best friend and has been since we was little she is always around at my house and is basically my sister from another mister.
Me n Gracie do everything together but she can be annoying. Although she does have some really good connections she knows everyone like people who have parties or people who will do your essays for free even people who will allow people to go missing if you need them too if you know what I mean. No I'm joking but she does know everyone.
"So what we doing tonight" Gracie said as she sat on my bed and looked around my room I don't know why she was asking me she's the one who plans everything "dunno what do you wanna do" I said as I spun around on my computer chair and looked at her she looked down at her phone and typed away that usually meant that she was planning something
"Watcha doooing" I said as I jumped from my chair and peered over her shoulder "wanna go to a senior party ?" She said casually and smiled at me smug "sure!" I said eagerly maybe this was my chance to get kissed!
"Well I'll go home and shower and get ready pick me up at around 8?" I nodded as she stood up and walked out she said quickly "don't be late" as she closed the door behind her. She had a tendency to act like I was in her house and not the other way round but it didn't bother me. What do I wear to a senior party ??

Please carry on reading I swear it gets       juicy :)

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