Yoga class?

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A few days went by where I didn't see him at all not in the hall ways not in the courtyard. Maybe he's sick I kept thinking to myself that would make sense people get sick right? What if he had died would I go to his funeral? I was starting to be stupid with the possibilities and by the time I knew it the school day was over.
I couldn't wait to get home today my mom always cooks her lasagne on Friday's as a treat for "getting through the week and not dying".
I got home after about a 5 minute drive but the door was locked then I remembered my mom does yoga on Friday's it must have ran later than usual? I took my spare key out of my back pocket and opened the door. I instantly ran to my room to change, I always Change when I've been to school because I'm always sweaty and smelly.
I heard the door handle on the front door creek then open my mom shouted up to my room "sweetie, you up there?" She always called me sweetie she is such a cliche mom I thought before I shouted to her "yeah, Why?" She never really asked me if I was in my room because she knew I would be it usually mean come down I need to talk to you.
I ran down stairs and went into the kitchen "what's up?" I said casually grabbing an apple out of the fruit bowl and rubbing it on my shirt. "I met a new friend at yoga today and I invited her and her family over for lasagne night, is that okay?" She questioned however it wasn't a question because if I said no they would still come round so I just said "yeah sure mom" and I turned to go back up stairs and she said "she has a son your age so you won't be bored" I just shrugged it off he was probably a freshman I went to my room and fell asleep.
I usually woke up to my 2 little sisters bouncing on my bed and screaming but they were at my grandmas thankfully. I woke to the sound of the door bell I jumped up and ran down into the kitchen to tell my mom they were here. Just before she opened the door she said "the woman's name is Julie Mathews and her husband is called Chris Mathews I'm not sure about their son" and before I knew it she opened the door oh no oh no I was thinking what if he is their son meaning he's going to be in my house! My rooms a mess! I'm a mess!
One by one the family entered until he walked in his hair the best it's ever looked his face just as perfect as always his clothes so effortlessly hugging his muscled body. I froze almost the exact same way as I did at the senior party he. My mom looked at me and said "do you two know each other?" She looked at both of us looking at each other and I smiled he looked at my mom and I could see he was going to say yes but I couldn't let him because I knew she'd ask questions about how and why and when and who and my mom didn't need to know any of it so I quickly said "no nice to meet you" I said while I stuck my hand and for him to shake. He shook my hand and by now I was very familiar with his touch. My mom invited everyone to the dining table he took a seat right across from me so we had eye contact the whole meal. "So Adam I got an email from school today, they say you got a detention?" My mom said just before she took a sip of her water he began to laugh and played it off as a cough "taylor!" His mom said looking at him. His name was Taylor! He suited that name like he suited everything he Owned or ever wore in his lifetime. My mom still looking at me expecting me to answer her question "oh I was late to class because I was..." I tried to think of a reason that didn't involve taylor "I was taking a leak?" I said as I felt his eyes look at me and a smile fall on his face "take a leak at recess next time then huh?" My mom said laughing slightly. Dinner was rather quite apart from my mom and Taylor's parents talking he kept kicking me under the table to get my attention so he could pull a stupid face or just to wind me up. When we had finished I began to clear away the plates taylor helped me once we had done my mom suggested we went up to my room. "Erm... sure" oh no my room was a complete mess I have pants and clothes and plates all over.
I stood up and he followed me he began to talk "I didn't know it was your house Yano I mean I didn't know my mom had met your-" I cut him off just to warn him about my room I told him "listen my room is messy I didn't know you'd be going in it so just bare that in mind yeah?" He nodded his head and laughed ruffling his hair. He knew that was cute and hot he knew that ruffling his hair that was was attractive that's why he did it all of the time.
I opened my door slowly and walked in I sat down on my spinny computer chair and he said on my bed "it's not that bad" he said as he picked up one of my socks on his foot and kicked it at me. I couldn't stop watching him after that it was sooo weird everything he did was cute but hot and he was like a baby but also like a big muscled man he was perfect I could just stare at him for eve- "what?" He said unknowingly interrupting my speech about how perfect he was "what what?" I said following it with a laugh "you was staring at me ?" He said he smiled but it wasn't just a smile it was a blushing smile "was I ? Oh I was just day dreaming" I said trying to cover up that I was watching his every move "oh okay" he said he sounded slightly disappointed. I went and sat next to him on the bed he shuffled round so we was slightly facing "thanks for stopping that guy punching me" I said he began to laugh "what?!" I said as I started to go red why was he laughing ? I began to laugh to because his laugh was sooo cute "what?!" I repeated as a pushed him playfully he pushed me back but way too hard I was sat right on the edge of the bed His push sent me tumbling of Just before I fell I grabbed hold of his sleeve and pulled him down with me.
He was laid right on top of me his whole body covering mine I could smell him he smelt sooo clean and manly "ouch" I said sarcastically he lifted himself up so there was about 20 centimeters between our faces we both laughed but eventually the laughing died down until we was just smiling
He lowered his head to mine and went in to kiss me! His head got closer and closer and closer until "taylor cmon we are going!" Really! Just before? Why me why now! He pushed himself to his feet and brushed himself down. I stood up then sat back on my bed "erm I'll see you?" He said so nervously "yeah" I said Just yeah he left my room and closer my door. I heard the front door close about 2 mins later. "They were nice weren't they" my mum said as she opened my door "yeah really nice" I replied.
I wish he kissed me!
Please carry on reading I swear it gets       juicy :)

My first kiss went a little like this... Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon