The senior party

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I pulled up to Gracie's house and beeped my horn in an irritating tune because I knew it would annoy her. She opened the door she was wearing a short dress and her hair and makeup looking like she was going to the oscars "cmon then miss makeup" I said followed by a laugh "is it too much?" She said climbing into the car trying to stop her dress from riding up "no you look fine. But not as good as me" I said as we both laugh she punched me in the arm and told me to drive.
We got to the party around 8:20 because we had to go back to Gracie's house because she forgot her phone. She's such an idiot sometimes mr shales says she'd forget her head if it wasn't attached he was always saying cringe things like that but he's a good teacher. When we got to the party there was a huge crowd of people outside in many different groups just talking loud trying to hear each-other over the music.
I looked at Gracie and mouthed to her that I was going to get a drink from inside she said okay and had already found someone she knew. Classic Gracie I thought to myself as I made my way through the crowd of people. Eventually I made it to the drinks table and poured myself a vodka and coke. As I tried to make my way out to the garden back to Gracie a fight started right in front of me it was bound to happen at a party with this many people I tried to move out of the way but I was getting pushed and pushed until...
I fell flat on top of the 2 seniors fighting and one of them went to throw a punch at my face I clenched my face and pulled my arms to my face by then my drink was all over the floor and I was screwed up waiting for the fist to land on my face until I didn't feel a thing? I slowly opened my eyes and there he was stood in front of me deflecting any punches on my face he grabbed the boys fist and twisted it like he was a professional fighter. The boy screamed in pain like a girl I grabbed the mysterious, muscled boys shoulder as to say stop he let go almost instantly the boy who was now on the floor holding his wrist stood up and ran off.
Everyone at the party carried on dancing like nothing had happened and I still had hold of the boys shoulder I let go slowly and he turned around he looked at me and I got a really weird felling
Like butterflies but 10x more intense it felt like the room was empty and we where the only 2 people in the whole room the music sounded like a slight hum and and I felt like I'd just seen an angel get his wings.
I unfroze and shook my head slightly as to wake up from a daze he put his hand on my shoulder and shook me slightly "you okay dude?" He said his voice so deep and manly i felt it deep in my ears and I replied quite quickly "yeah, I mean thanks not many guys would have done that" I said as I felt a slight redness creep onto my face he smiled slightly and replied "I'm not like any other guys" and he wasn't joking he was absolutely gorgeous his skin was perfect his eyes where bright green and he was tall at-least 5 inch taller than me what was this feeling ?
"Is there any way I can thank you?" I said hoping he'd give me his number or his name "no dude it's fine really you just have a good night yeah ?" As he walked away I nodded and he smiled and nodded at me to say nice to meet you as he walked away I saw Gracie approach me "who was that?!" I said eagerly "who him ?" As she pointed at him from across the room I nodded and she looked shocked "you don't know who that is ? Adam he's like the most popular senior at our school! Why are you asking anyway" she asked in a loud voice as the music was creeping louder "he just stopped someone hitting me I'll explain tomorrow tbh I just want to go home I wet and I feel really out of place here" I said directly into her ear and she agreed and nodded her head we left the party around 10pm. I couldn't stop thinking about him and what he did for me
Please carry on reading I swear it gets       juicy :)

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