(Chapter3) Stalker much??

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Pic up above was a sketch I did, Just A sketch! That is why it is so shitty 😩

Wyatt's P.O.V.

He slipped out of the main building and up near the small hidden stair case, as I followed him up them he stopped dead in his tracks, my heart started to race, maybe he knew I was here.... WAIT, WHY AM I EVEN HERE? I facepalmed,  I really should leave the kid alone. I sighed, what's the point, I don't need the drama. As I walked away I clearly didn't see the stick that was under my foot which made a cracking noise, I cringed hoping he didn't hear it.

" the fuck?" Said the emo boy looking at the ground and his eyes trailed up at me. I stood there with a confused poker face. He frowned and turned back around. My mind said ' time to get the fuck outta here' but my legs said different walking towards the boy who was now sitting on the small steps which lead to the downstairs book return. His back facing me I slowly crept up. My hand hovered over his shoulder as I contemplated weather I should or not.

" um, excuse me, what are you doing?" Someone asked from behind me, I jumped at the sudden words. shit.

I turned around to see that it was the blonde haired girl from earlier. " um, nope. Why do you ask like you give a shit about what I'm doing," he turned into a mess and seemed to be at loss of words as he was stalking someone "like I don't even, f-fuckin know what I'm doing, fuck you!" He said rambling on flipping her off.

" cause you're fucking hovering over my friend like a weirdo!" She said looking at me weird. 

" why are YOU here?" I heard a voice from behind me ask. Oh shit it was that emo kid.

Third person P.O.V.
" pfft! You act like you guys are so special! Like Jesus fuck! I can't go places I want to fucking go without seeming like I'm stalking somebody! Like shit you ain't special!" He yelled flipping them off walking away. He turned red from embarrassment and shoved his hands back into the sleeves of his  jacket.

" Wyatt, buddy, dude, HOMO FUCKER" Josh said doing finger guns at Wyatt.

Wyatt stopped dead in his tracks turning to josh pinching his temple " first of all, I'm not gay, and secondly, what the fuck do you want?!"

" nooottthhhhiiiinngggg"

" josh."

" Fine! You caught me! Ya see Wyatt, you know that girl ya were just talking to?"

Wyatt looked back at them and got red from embarrassment as he remembered what happened like five fucking minutes ago.


"I just met her in math!" Wyatt shrugged

"Exactly! You still talked to her! So like I was wonderin you know, since ya kinda know her you can ask her if-"

" she turned you down didn't she."

Josh gasped defensively " excuse me! She did not... it wasn't an exact no! It was kind like- that's not the point!"josh slung his arm over Wyatt " ya see, ya lil gay emo boy over there is her best friend and if ya could get info from him about her, FROM you! Well I might just get the thing I need"

" first of all! Hell no! That emo kid is not a mutual and secondly even if I did say yes, WHICH I didn't! What would I get out of this?" Wyatt said defensively

" weed." Josh smirked making jazz hands

" josh we do that on the daily it's not a fuckin prize. All I care about is the goddamn universe dammit not some weed"

" I'll steal a telescope."

" and- WAIT WHAT, josh that's fucking impossible." Wyatt yelled

" Wyatt I thought you knew me! You remember Walmart!"

Flash back~

"So what are you-" Wyatt began then he turned to josh " JOSH WHAT THE ACTUAL"

" grab your shitty art books and let's get outta here!" Josh whisper yelled

" dude there's cameras!" Wyatt whisper yelled back

" why do you think I told you to go to the out of town Walmart! Plus Canadians are nice!"

" josh. We're Canadian and we're not the nicest people. Stereotyping you're own kind"

" just grab the cans and don't get your panties up in a twist on the way out!" Josh yelled running out

Flashback end~

" how the fuck did you even fit a fucking propane tank in your parka?!"

" magic!" Josh did jazz hands" so will you do it or not?"

"I'm not really good at talking to him I mean he's a fuckin emo for godsake!" Wyatt whisper yelled

" just go talk to your boyfriend and get me info on Shelly!"

Wyatt blushed a deep red " he's not my fuckin boyfriend!"

Josh raised an eyebrow " sureeee, now go you asshole!" Josh pushed him in the direction they were in.

Wyatt cleared his throat taking a step over there. Before he could get a word out Shelly growled " stalker much?!"

" I uh actually um..." Wyatt stuttered then looked at mason " come with me?"

Mason bit his nails, " why should I?"

" please?" Wyatt asked

Mason tried to fight it but gave in.

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