(Chapter 9) Gas station

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Wyatt's P.O.V.

I can't believe josh did that! His like hormones are out of fucking wack! I need a drink.

I walked to the nearest liquor store looking around getting flashbacks of having fights at the same gas station in the 6th grade. Good times.

I step inside to see that black haired boy In one of the aisles. I smirked slightly, showing my braces. He was grabbing some gum and hot Cheetos. I leaned against the stand of snacks surprised he hadn't noticed me yet "ay-" I spoke out

"AAAAAAAAAA" he jumped and screamed. He began to shake and threw a bag of hot Cheetos at my face.

"THE FUCK-" I screamed back, throwing the hot Cheetos back into his face.

"I-I-IM S-SORRY" he stuttered out still shaking, scared. He kept flinching like as if he kept thinking I was gonna punch him which is also why he put his hands above his head with the snacks still in his hands.

I grabbed his arms and pulled them close to me. He flinched in pain, which I tried to ignore cuz I thought he was just very sensitive. "Stop. That." I said through gritted teeth staring down at him while my hand was still firmly wrapped around his wrist

He stared at the floor sometimes looking at me from time to time with his dark green eyes. "P-p-please l-let g-g-go of m-my-my wrist" 

My grip tightened and I brought his arm closer to him and my other hand wrapped around his waist pulling him closer " why should I?"

His blush was obviously noticeable against his oh so pale skin matching with all the pale colors around him.  "P-please"

"Make me." I stood tall with a small toothy smirk

He twisted himself, with my hand still on his wrist but he twisted around me tracing his fingers against my body to my collarbone all the way down to my belt "w-well~ y-you let m-me g-g-go go then I'll s-s-suck you completely d-dry" he tiptoed trying to get closer to my face tracing his fingers around my covered area. I felt something in my pants spring out and he smiled "oh p-please~" he begged biting his lip.

My grip became loose and I let his hand free.

He began to laugh.

"What's so funny?!" I stumbled.

"You really want a b-blowjob that bad?" He laughed harder "t-that's so cute! You think i-I was being serious?" He pinched my cheek

And I slapped his hand away, as he walked down the aisle of snacks as I followed in pursuit. "pfft whatever shut up I knew you were joking.. I was just surprised you took it that far is all!" I clearly lied.

"I-I'm not your t-t-toy y-you b-"

"You gonna get that sentence out by the end of the day?" I smirked.

And he frowned "Brace face." He muttered smirking

I Gasped pretending to be offended, "HOW DARE YOU SIR! MY BRACES ARE GUCC THEY ARE PURPLE! AND WHAT DO YOU HAVE! A fuckin stutter" I joked

"S-shut up! I-it's a c-c-cond-dition a-asshole!"

"Whatever jimmy valmer" I smirked


"Yeah you do"

"Y-you're mean"

"You're face is mean to my eyes." I smiled as he stopped dead in his tracks pushing my face away "awwwww don't be like that baby blue!"

"Y-you act l-l-like you know me W-wyatt" he put his hands on his hips

"Thought I did" he shrugged

"But you don't re-remember anything"

"HEY! Don't say that! I remembered something!"

"B-but you still f-f-forgot my name"

"Well then tell me it so I can call you that all day." He looked at me like 'really bitch' and walked down another aisle "or do you like me calling you spaz? Glitch? Emo boy? Wannabe? Faggot?-"

He stood still "S-SHUT UP MAL!" He stomped covering my mouth with his cold hands.

"So you're calling me by my last name now? Why so formal? Mr stalker is there anything you don't know about me?"

"I don't know how you hide the fact you have emotions."

It got quiet and my face turned firm "im showing some aren't I?" My eyebrows crinkled up and my nose did as well.

He scoffed "y-you're so f-fa-fake wyatt mal"

"Look who's fuckin talking." I shot back.

"E-eat my a-ass" he grumbled

"Gladly just show me the way to the restroom" I replied throwing a Toblerone at his face.

He blushed "I h-hate you"

"You know you love me"

"Ionseded" i couldn't quite understand what he murmured

"What????" I asked him puzzled "what did you say?"


"You know damn well I'm not leaving you alone. You know that already"

"Y-yes I know you're very p-pe-persistent." He rolled his eyes

"Then... what did you say" I kept poking him.


"Be my study buddy"

"OK!" He screamed realizing what he just said yes to.

"Alright then it's a deal you tutor me after school!"

"N-no wait that's not what I a-agreed to-"

"See ya dweeb" I yelled to him as the guy handed me my cigarettes and I exited the gas station walking home. The sun was already going down since it was now 4pm.

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