(Chapter 6)And?

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Wyatt P.O.V.

I looked around a white room, that soon fell into a playground. I almost fell from the scene change

" I FOUND YOU!" I saw younger me yell to someone who was hiding behind a bush. I squinted my eyes. Trying to walk over there to see. I couldn't move, only listen and watch.

" I told you I didn't want to be found" I heard the other person speak lowly, barely audible.

" sorry, I did that, to you" younger me whispered.


My eyes turned wide " i reme-"

My alarm clock starts to go off and I throw a shoe at it.

i sit up, wiping sweat off my face "goddammit, I forgot" i kicked the blankets off my feet, getting ready for school.

Time skip boi ~ brought to you by!: stab me cuz my fics are cringy!

I make it to the school, as I looked for josh. He probably ditched again. I really considered ditching too. But I really don't give two fucks to walk back home.  I sigh. I just need to get to the emo boy to get info for josh of that chick. Today's gonna be a long day.

i walk up to home room sitting back in my chair with a groan, "this is bullshit!" I yell into the classroom not at a specific person. I look around the room taking out my sketch pad. 'I need inspiration!' I think, as I look around the room hearing earphones blast loudly. 'WHO THE FUCK IS LISTENING TO SLEEPING WITH SIRENS?!' I think loudly groaning in frustration looking in the direction from where it's coming from. I see the emo boy earbuds in and sitting cross legged with notepad. my imagination starts to come together as the stars from the sky form around the boy dancing as the sun seems to dim and the room calms and flowers grow on the boy as he chews on his pen. Jupiter and Saturn spinning around him, all the planets, start to form around him and they dance happily, I stare at him for what seems to be hours, my mouth dropping wide. My pencil drawing the image of the boy that was sitting in the back of the classroom. His eyes seemed like stars and skin glowing bright and his black hoodie held the universe, his lips broken and white, completely torn and bleeding, dry and hot like mercury. I got so close to them yesterday and my mouth starts to drool a little from thinking about kissing his chapped lips. Oh dear emo boy, why so scared, and mean. Oh so-

"W-why the h-hell are y-y-you looking a-at me like t-that? It's kinda c-creepy!" The emo boy stuttered he was now in front of my desk.

"WHAT THE FUCK" i jumped almost falling off my chair from his presence being near and close. "What the hell are you talking bout stutter boy!" I spat.

He looked at me with a poker face "r-really? W-were going back t-t-to third grade?" He folded his arms

"Who the hell even are you emo boy!" I spat

He looked at me with a poker face, dead silence " you should know, looking at someone like their a fresh piece of meat doesn't make it any better. You remember what happened in fifth grade." He turned away from me walking away before looking back at me "oh you don't." He walked off

I looked at his backside as he walked away, I frowned 'so what! I forgot things! Doesn't mean he has to be such a dick about it!' I pouted crossing my arms.

(A/N: oof! Sorry this was kinda just like a filler chapter...sorry...oof)

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