Chapter 2- Reap What You Sow

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The next day, Mr. Nagisa was back and his students were prepared. For the first time in years, almost every student was on time with a knife in their hand.  Aoi was almost worried that Mr. Fujita would be back and they would be launching their blades at a mostly innocent victim, but it wouldn't really be the worst thing in the world if he ended up with 18 knives in his skull.

Moments before the bell rang, the door slammed open and Nagisa rushed in, panting. But despite his fatigue, he managed to dodge every projectile with remarkable ease.

"Sorry I'm late guys, it took longer than I thought it would to make spray paint remover." Reaching into his bag, Nagisa pulled out a bottle filled with a white substance (Really removing spray paint requires a pressure washer so I'm just going to pretend it's maaaggggiiiccccccc spray paint).

"Make it? Couldn't you just buy it?" Remarked Reo. He smirked and lifted his fist for a fist bump as if his statement was clever.

"I prefer to add a homemade touch to it." Nagisa smiled. "Oh, and I'm broke."  He pulled out the roll book. "Is anyone missing today?"

"My brother." A girl that Nagisa didn't recognize entered the room, casually spinning a karambit around her index finger.

"Well you must be Wada Niko." Nagisa waved. "Pleased to meet you."

Niko collapsed in an empty chair, "Yeah, yeah. Just get this bullshit over with so we can blow this popsicle stand."

"Ms. Wada, I'm afraid you can't use that kind of language in my class."

Niko narrowed her eyes and raised her middle finger. "Fuck you."

Everyone in the class caught their breath. Apparently, no one had briefed Niko on the prior day's events.

But, to their surprise, Nagisa just laughed. "You remind me of an old friend; Same spirit, less violence."

And it seemed that no one had told Mr. Nagisa about Niko's criminal record. (Just wanted to add this in, no one had told Niko about the murder bet. She just brought a knife because she wanted to.)

"Anyways, is anyone else missing?" The collective silence was all the answer that Nagisa required.

He stood up and began to distribute rags saturated with the cleaning solution."Ok. First order of business, we're cleaning this room. You can't learn in a room filled with semi-toxic fumes. So partner up and get to work!"

No one moved.

"Is something wrong?"

"You expect us to work?" Shinji's question almost doubled as a laugh.

"Is something wrong?" Repeated Nagisa.

The radical changes their new teacher was presenting the students of Class 3-5 was too much. First he expected them to learn, then to work? It was ridiculous.

Nagisa sighed, realizing no one was going to listen. "Whoever effectively cleans the most gets an A for the quarter."

In an instant, the entire class was on their feet with a cleaning cloth in their palm.  Well, almost everyone.

"Ms. Wada, aren't you going to help out?"

"Pfff, like I give a fuck about my grade." Scoffed Niko.

"Even if you don't, teamwork is important. It's a lesson I learned seven years ago that I still carry with me  today." Nagisa moved closer to Niko.

"Do you know what's even more important? Being able to rely on yourself."

"Of course it's good to be independent, but it's equally necessary to be able to shift some of the pressure onto someone else. I'm not saying to weigh them down with your burden but let them take a little off your shoulders." He crouched down beside Niko's desk, resting a hand on the wooden surface.

Seeing this, Niko drew out her knife to bring down straight through Mr. Nagisa's hand- Nurf style (Haha, my fandoms are so well-rounded).

But, to her surprise, he reached up to grab the handle, jerkily knocking it out of her hand and into his.

"Oof, that was close. I almost cut myself on the blade there." Smiled Nagisa kindly. He handed it back to Niko, handle forward. "I'm a little out of practice."

"Uhhh..." Niko didn't move, too surprised by her teacher's quick reaction.

"Is something wrong?" Queried Nagisa for the third time.

"How did you do that?" Niko demanded.

"Do what?"

"With my knife just a few centimeters over your hand, you moved out of the way, knocked the knife out of my hand, then grabbed it out of the air. Plus, I don't think you even looked down throughout the encounter!"

"Oh, well, I kind of just felt it coming and reacted based on what I thought you might do." Smiled Nagisa kindly. "If it makes you feel better, I almost cut my finger."

Niko scowled, dropping her shocked expression. "Fuck off."

Still, Mr. Nagisa brightened his smile. "Even the red hair matches (HINT HINT AS TO WHO)."

He stood up. "So get to work, Niko. Aoi doesn't have a partner; you two could work together."

Snorting, Niko's cocky attitude had fully returned. "That bitch? Fuck no."

"What's wrong with Aoi?"

"What isn't?"

"Well it's just that she reminds me of a young me."


Nagisa appeared affronted. "Well, uh, just find someone I guess."

Niko settled into her seat and crossed her arms. "I only work with my brother."

"Oh, well you can try to work with someone else-"

She cut Nagisa off with a firm middle finger.

With a sigh, Nagisa got up. "I see that I can't get through to you-" He smiled- "but I promise I'll try."

Niko smirked. "Go ahead."

But despite her seeming aloofness, she couldn't help but watch him depart. There was something off about him and she was going to get to the bottom of it.

"First day back and you're scheming already."

Niko adopted a scowl as she turned to face Aoi.

"Fuck off, Yokoyama."

"Nice to see you too, Wada."

"I can assume you're gonna investigate this too."

Cocking her head, Aoi let a sly smile part her lips. "What a genius. It makes me wonder why you're even here."

"Same reason as you, Yokoyama. We need to pay for our mistakes."

"Well then that brother of yours better return soon because I'm not in this alone."

Niko cast another glance toward Mr. Nagisa who was preoccupied with cleansing his desk of pigment, unaware that he was still listening to her conversation despite the distance between them. "You know what they say: Reap what you sow, bitch."

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