Chapter 4- The Smile of a Crocodile

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Takuya didn't know what to say for a moment, his features tensing into an expression of shock.

"Nagisa?" But then it clicked. A relieved smile overcame his face. "You must be one of his students. Yeah, we were in the same class. Why do you want to know?"

Aoi matched his expression, easily donning the facade of a naive child. "I was just curious. He seems so passionate about teaching and cited this class as his inspiration."

"Yeah, he's like that," chuckled Takuya, light nerves still woven into his words. "Always the most invested in anything we were doing. He was always super driven. He was actually the one to..." He faltered, his smile wavering as he contemplated the best way to discuss the situation. "Take control of our final project. Nagisa's always been somewhat of a natural leader."

Aoi cocked her head, gently parting her lips and furrowing her brows to make herself appear more innocently curious. Being the daredevil she was, she decided to take a chance. "He mentioned something about a government program there. Do you know anything about it?"

A bright fluster seared Takuya's entire face, narrow eyes widening in surprise. "What? No. Not at all." He coughed to give himself time to gather some confidence, attempting to will away the bright vermillion shade of his cheeks to no avail. But then a thought came to him. "Wait; Nagisa would never let something like that slip."

Aoi fought to bury her smirk. It paid off. Her suspicions were confirmed.

"Oh, I must have misheard him." She waved off his words lazily. "Or I could've combined his junior high experience with a character from a book I read. That happens a lot." When in doubt, play dumb. She was awfully good at it.

Takuya nodded as if he believed her, but his gaze changed. A squint that wasn't there before appeared as he scrutinized her. "Possibly."

Shit. He's catching on.

"Thanks for you help!" Aoi grinned amicably, conversation seemingly forgotten. "While I'm here, could I have a bowl of your house noodles?"

Takuya nodded again, still looking at her strangely but not as skeptically as a few moments ago. "Of course."

For a reason he couldn't pin down, Takuya found himself unable to quite discard a certain uncanny feeling about this teenager with the smile of a crocodile.

Sorry that this chapter is so short but I figured that I might as well update something *cough* a year later *cough*. I honestly don't know if I'm going to update this more because I forgot it existed tbh, but then I came back to Wattpad for the first time since I last updated and had over 50 notifications and thought, 'might as well do something.' This is what I was working on before I died, edited a little so the writing's (slightly) less shit. I was gonna add more to what I already had, but then I realized that I couldn't be assed to. Didn't proofread it (as usual) so I will be shocked into oblivion if I didn't make at least 24 grammar/spelling errors.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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