Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I hated rain.

It wasn't just an opinion. It was a fact. A scientifically proven fact I have tested when I first hand felt the wet drops fall from the sky and land on me.

I hated thunderstorms even more.

There was no such thing as having fun in the rain. The first time I experienced rain was also the last.

I remembered the feeling of clothes gluing onto my skin. I remember the feeling of my hair sticking onto me, reinforcing my hate for the long, thick locks breathing down my neck just like my aunt did. I remember seeing the beautiful, clear sky turn into a dismal gray that, along with the color, leech out my happy-go-lucky mood.

I remember it even though it happened over ten years ago.

When my mother and I visited the Evergreen Pack, located in the Spring Pack. She moved from that pack to ours, the Seaside Pack, after she mated my father.

I remember watching my mother smiling when it rained.

This was the first time I saw her happy. This was the first time I felt unhappy.

The sky should've stayed blue.

The weather should've stayed dry.

We should've stayed in the Seaside Pack.

My mother should've still been alive.

I first learned how to cook when I was four. My sister taught me. Except she was a shit cook so I don't think anyone was surprised when what I cooked also tasted like shit. But then again, she was only two years older than me so I think that could be forgiven.

But then again, I got the blame so...nevermind.

Now, at the prime age of 19, I was still a shitty cook.

But, that didn't mean I was a total failure. I still had some redeeming qualities.

Okay, maybe some was a stretch. But I was a pretty damn good healer. And, I did rock at making pretty damn good coffee.

Not to mention, I was a pretty good listener...when I wanted to.

After all, my aunt would one hundred percent agree. She knew firsthand the amount of times I didn't listen to her because I didn't want to.

I mean, the way she looked at me after I did something she didn't like made me wonder if I were to join my mother underground on multiple occasions.

Of course, I could always listen to her. But, where's the fun in that?

"Arissa! Where are you going? Vikram is going to be coming here any minute and you need to look your best."

Damnit. I was caught.

I stilled, one foot out the door and one foot inside. My nails clenched in the door, not really doing any damage. My aunt's voice made me immediately analyze what I could say without making me look like I was leaving just for this very reason.

After I racked my head around for about 2.5 seconds because that is exactly the amount of time you could ignore Carissia before things got ugly, I turned my head around and accepted defeat.

My aunt was the kind of woman who knew what she wanted and would do whatever she could to get it. She was what some would call "a proper lady." She always wore pants so no slip ups would occur with the underlings, shirts that just touched the tips of her fingers when fully extended, and a moonstone ring to cancel out her lupine side because a proper lady does not shift unless in the throes of danger. Then in that case, she could shift in order to call for help to others such as the Wilds.

One that was graceful, elegant, never cursed, and got on everybody's nerves.

As I looked with what I hoped to be a bashful expression at her narrowed blue eyes, every excuse I was about to spew out immediately froze up cracked into pieces of nothing.

"Well? Where were you headed?" She had her delicate hands on her thin hips, her blonde wisps touched up in a bun and her best outfit donned on her graceful and tall figure.

When I opened my mouth to respond with I don't even know what, she waved her hand as if swatting it away,

"Oh, nevermind. Just get ready. Vikram and his family are going to be here in two hours."

I immediately stopped the shiver that was about to encompass my body. Every time I thought about that infernal family I felt like I was under a magnifying glass just waiting to be burnt by the sun.

Vikram senior was a creep.

She-Vikram was a creep.

And Vikram junior was a bigger creep.

They were a family made of creeps. But that didn't stop my aunt from wanting what they had. They had title, prestige, and the most important thing my aunt had deemed in the entire world.

A shit load of money.

And I was the leg in to get access to this money.

After all, a mating of Vikram and I would be the perfect solution. Nevermind that those guys were a few of the worst people I have ever had the displeasure of knowing.

As I managed to suppress down the sudden feeling of spiders crawling down my back, I reluctantly closed the door to my freedom and went to my room with my "tail" in between my legs.

Clarissia was many things, but a mind reader she was not.

After all, I have thought of many nasty things she would've fainted at if she could indeed read minds.

As I closed the door to my bedroom, I heard the satisfied huff of that old salt and I smiled internally as I heard her footsteps walk off.

Away from me.

My smile grew as I leaned against the door and looked at my room covered in bright orange paint, gaudy matching (clashing) furniture, and a barred window coated in moonstone.

I walked towards said window and opened it, feeling the warmth of the summer air. I looked outside at the yellow grass, the palm trees, and the ocean that mapped out the horizon.

It really was a beautiful day.

Too bad my aunt wanted me to go to this dinner and trapped me in this house.

It was also too bad she didn't know both my bracelet and the bars attached to my window were not real moonstone and that I could leave at anytime.

She really should get them fixed, after all, missing bolts can be a real pain, especially when someone is trying to keep their no good niece inside and under control.

I mean, it would suck if said niece just randomly stuck out her hand and the bars fell off and she jumped out of her window and shifted into her gorgeous wolf, running to her heart's content as her aunt waited for the prestigious family to come for dinner.

Yeah, I thought, as I felt my fur catch the wind as I ran, it really would suck.

Hello my Minions,
This is the first chapter of the second book in the series. I have written down the other chapters in VTC, but they're on my computer and I don't have access to it right now. However, I did write this chapter right now and I couldnt wait to share it with you guys and I hope yall will stick around for more. I know I've been MIA for a month but the whole time has been hectic and everything will hopefully settle down by the end of June.

Until then,
Peace out

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