Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I disliked meetings.

No, I fucking hated them. Out of all the things I despised; clingy girls, pecan pie, and learning; meetings was the one thing that drove me nuts to the point where I wanted to rip my hair out with my claws. And that was the one thing I spent hours perfecting each morning.

As I sat down at the pack meeting, my seat being at the head, I slouched like a wilted flower and was picking something out of my teeth as I heard my Beta, Ferron, talk about the trading routes being attacked and pillaged, creating a problem. I tuned him out, losing interest and thinking about when I could leave and go see Ashtenna. That girl's mouth could solve a whole lot of problems.

I stared at nothing as I heard something weird.

Utter silence.

I looked around, realizing no one was talking. Everyone was staring at me expectantly. I stared right back and looked to Ferron for help. He sighed, past angry and just plain resigned.

"We were talking about how the people attacked kept talking about these people wearing green masks and stealing anything valuable. We were wondering what it could mean."

I sighed and straightened my back.

"Okay, so let me get this straight. On the way through one of these routes, there would be people wearing these green masks, stealing everything valuable, and leaving the people completely unharmed even though they aimed arrows at them but never fired directly at them, right?"

Ferron nodded his head.

"Well, then I guess the next step is to capture one of them and try and identify what is going on. Anything else that needs to be covered today that requires my presence?"

There seemed to be some pondering and then verbal answers of "no" tossed around. I looked at each individual and then nodded my head and got up, cracking my neck from side to side to get the kinks out.

"Alright then, continue on with the meeting and then proceed to the hall for some refreshments and then kindly let yourselves out."

I walked away, already picturing Ashtenna's talented hands grabbing onto me when I exited, footsteps not far behind me. As I heard the door shut, I turned around and saw Ferron there.

His dark red hair was short and clipped neatly, his brown eyes were hard as he crossed his arms in front of his then frame. Slight lines appeared around his eyes as he narrowed them.

"What was that?" He asked.

I mirrored his posture, my frame taller and more muscular than him. My blonde hair was pulled back and my blue eyes were narrowed right back at his.

"What was what?"

"You know what. That shit you were pulling during the meeting. I don't know what's going on with you, but if Alpha Car-"

Anger made me stiffen my posture as I felt fire course through my veins.

"Do not talk about my brother!"

My claws popped out of my knuckles and I saw the room suddenly glow blue. Ferron immediately backed away and humbled his posture in a placating gesture but still continued on.

"Alpha, I know that you miss the former Alpha and that ever since he has gone missing, you miss him and-"

I stalked closer as I felt my self control getting ready to snap.

"You know? You know? Don't tell me what you know and what you don't know. You know nothing! You have no clue what it's like losing your alpha, your twin, your best friend only to replace him as some half assed attempt and maintaining order. I don't know shit about this alpha business and frankly I don't give a shit. I'm doing what I'm supposed to do until he comes back. But we don't even know if he's coming back. You don't think I've seen how these people look at me. As if for one second they see my twin brother and then realize it's me. They don't realize I can see the disappointment in their eyes when they do realize that? Of course I can. But I'm not my brother and I never will be." I spat every word out as if it were acid, knowing each room was soundproof so no one could hear anything I said.

Ferron was leaning against the wall and he looked at me with pity.

"Alpha Hadrien, we are all aware you are not your brother. But you could at least put some effort into doing your duties as the current alpha in charge."

I scoffed at him and turned away, done with the conversation and everything.

My parting words were said softly but I knew he heard each one.

"Make sure the people in the meeting are escorted out as soon as possible. I'm going out and before you ask, I don't know when I'm going to be back."

I took a breath before I exited the grounds and my wolf form was forced out, taking me deep into the forest.


I ran as fast as the wind could carry me. My paws made the path before me dustier than it already was. I focused my eyes on the trees before me and swerved from side to side to avoid them.

"Yip, yip!"

The wind breezed through my fur and put a little jump in my step as I increased my speed.

Faster. Faster. Faster. Yes!

Joy was a tangible thread leading me through the forest, guiding me. I smelled things I couldn't smell in my human form; saw things, heard things. The air was clean. The leaves on the ground were multicolored. The birds were flying away from me.

It was trul-

Wait! What that's smell? I stopped dead in my tracks, my paws digging into the ground. I put my nose up to the air and inhaled deeply. No, it couldn't be. Could it? A human, here? Yes! Someone I could play with.

I furrowed my ears and listened deeply. The wind. The birds. The crawling ants. The-

There! Breathing. Deep breaths indicating a male. A deep groan. I cocked my head, trying to figure out what seemed abnormal about this. And then it hit me. This male was in pain!

I raced in the direction of the sound, my ears and nose guiding me. Must find him. Have to. Need friend. Need to help.

My inner playful animal came out like it always did when I was in this form. It was freeing, having such shallow thoughts.

I followed the trail, slowing down when I reached a meadow I have never been to. Bright flowers. Sun rays beaming down. Butterflies and birds flying all around. And a male figure lying in the vast array of red speckled flowers.

But, they were violets. How could it be red speckled? I came closer and caught a whiff of blood. Oh, that was the speckled part. Weariness caused me to slow down my steps as I came closer.

I gasped as I heard the male groan.

He was big and muscular. Too bloody to tell anything defining. But the one thing that definitely took the show was the giant arrow sticking out of his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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