Chapter 1: Dead or Alive?

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"Mom!" is what I yelled when, my mom was dragged along the sidewalk; bleeding and arms and legs tied by rope by government officials. She was then thrown harshly onto the back of a government owned car as I cried; having tears going down my cheeks. But the last thing I managed to hear from my mom were these exact words, "Stop crying, I know you... h..have it in you, I'll always love run!" But knowing my mother's last words, I ran through the street and into an alleyway as I let my tears run down my face. But I stop as I see a government official walk by; with a gun in hand. As he passes, I put my hand on my heart, allowing myself to think clearly for once, knowing that I must not let my mother die in vain.

Beeeeeep! Beep! Beeeeeeep!

I wake up. Another nightmare. I then, look at my calendar and see that I had a meeting with Trisha at 3 Meals, a place where you can eat breakfast lunch and dinner. I then get ready and I headed out the door. 10 minutes later, I was at 3 Meals and I went in. I see Trisha at a table waiting for me so I sit down. "Jason! You're late again." Trisha said to me annoyed. "I had a nightmare again..." I replied back. "Again?! Seriously, keep a hold of yourself, I can't come see you everyday you know." Trisha said to me and then sighed. I replied back "I know." So then we started our daily conversation about me and my mother. So, 30 minutes later we were done with our breakfast and left. I then walk the street but then,... Boom...I was hit by a car, but not any car, a government owned car. But right before my eyes shut, I see Trisha, crying, having tears down her face, which is irregular. I smiled and my eyes shut, I was dead.

I wake up thinking I was probably in heaven, but in truth; I woke up to a foggy atmosphere, and all I could see is a roof which was glass but somehow having an amethyst color in it allowing me not see anything. I then start to regain my senses and I feel a metal plate on my back. I then, realize I was laying down; tied up. I try to break free but I couldn't, I just physically couldn't. I then notice that my legs and arms were stuck in between iron chains, so I stop. I then hear a noise, or it was a faint voice. But whatever it was sent a shiver down my spine. But, surprisingly, it was a group of people. They had a purple cloak covering their face so I couldn't see them. Each, had a staff and also had bones as hands, making me shiver even more. They then, chanted "9 lives...9 lives will not die tonight....may the heavens come for will survive one more day!" But then, my eyes were shut. I was confused but I also wondered if I was actually dead this time.


My eyes opened as I start to regain my sight. I was on a bed; a white bed in fact. I was in...un-normal clothing and I had a few cuts and bruises. I see a heart monitor beside me and then I feel my felt...different. I then, see Trisha staring at me with happy tears down her face and I smile to ask "Where am I?" Trisha then laughs and says "You're in the hospital, silly!" "Oh, yeah." I reply back; realizing where I am. But, I asked one more question, "Why do I feel...different?" Trisha sighs and then replies "You had a heart transplant." I was shocked but I didn't really expect anything else, since I got hit by a car after all. Trisha then came up to me and hugged me so hard like tape with about...anything. She then stopped and I got up. I got dressed and we headed out back home. Also, along the way home, Trisha asks me one last question; "What type of car was it?" I then, came to a sudden realization and freeze.

"Uhh....Jason?!..." Trisha said as she waved her arms around me, hoping it wasn't a problem with the car crash and they wouldn't have to come back to the hospital. ".....It...It was...a government owned car...." I said and my legs trembled, in fact every inch of my body trembled and was trembling. "...Jason!" Trisha yelled at me. Then, I drop to the floor and my eyes close. But...I this time, I was just unconscious. I felt Trisha pick me up; she was trying her hardest, I can tell. And then hearing "...No...Not again...Jason!" and then I fell fully unconscious.

I wake up, taking a gasp of air. I look in front of me; definitely not my house. "You finally awake?" I look to my left; it was Trisha. "Are you alright?! I mean you literally fell unconscious and..."; I cut her off. "I'm fine." "You promise?!" Trisha says back. "I promise. Sorry if I caused you any trouble Trisha." "No..I should've drink some water.."; I cut her off again. "Stop worrying about me so much Trisha. I'm fine and thanks...for everything you've done to help me." "You're right... but I can't help it. I mean...I still don't know why you fainted and became unconscious and everything're right Jason." and sighs. Then, that brought me back to what I was thinking of in the first place.

"It was a government owned car Trisha..." I said, somewhat silent.
"Huh?! Oh, sorry Jason...What did you say again?" is what Trisha replied to me with. "Uuh....Is this your place?" I said instead of what I said earlier. I felt too dizzy to say it again. "Yeah, you like it?" "Could've been better!" I replied, sarcastically. "Jasoooon!!! You know that I've been trying." she said back to me flustered. "I'm just joking Trisha!" I said; smiling. "Well I'm gonna go now!" I said. As, I left out the door to what turns out to be an apartment, Trisha grabs my hand. Trisha then sighs and says to me "Promise me you'll be careful...and that you'll see me tomorrow. I can't stop worrying about you just because you said so you know." "I about 3 meals again at...12:00 in the afternoon?" "Seriously, 3 meals again! We go there like every other day. But, alright. See ya tomorrow!" I nodded and left her...actually okay sized apartment.

Hey guys and gals? Anyways, I know this is very long but I wish you had a great time reading this and this would be my first "actual" novel sooo anyways Partyboy Out!!!

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