Chapter 2: A Government Party? (Part 1)

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As I walked home, I thought hard about the question I could've asked Trisha, was it really that important? About 10 minutes later, I arrived and of course, like anybody should, I checked my now rusting mailbox. I was quite surprised at what I saw. Usually, I don't get any mail; well except the bills of course but it wasn't just that, it was from the government. The letter said as follows:

Dear, Jason Miller
You have been invited to a special Tour! The Carousel Tour! Yes, the Tour the new elected president takes, and for this year, President George O'donohue. So, get packing it will be about a week. Don't worry, it won't just be you. Now go tell you friends and family! It will sure be quite sad if you miss out. We will see all of you at Washington DC at Lincoln's Statue during 5-6:00 am, October 24th, this year.
Abigail Winston

Now that was quite interesting. Abigail Winston...our last Vice President. But the question i'm thinking about is why it was written by Abigail Winston; after all our new Vice President didn't write it and she was just elected. I also thought, why the Lincoln statue? Or, who are the other people and why during October 24th? But, I have no time to ramble on, after all it is literally tomorrow. Well...there is one last question; do I go? I think about it hard and still pack in case anyways. I call Trisha and then talk to her about the whole ordeal.

"I don't know Jason... I mean you say that it would help you figure out the many questions that you always have on you mind but you don't trust them either. I mean as long as you can talk to me and i'll miss you but...I don't mind...and I still worry about you. Still, It's your choice...." "I'll go." I say. It was a hard decision...real hard. I say one last time before I hung up "Stop worrying about me so much Trisha ...and I'll miss you too." It was sad to leave Trisha on such a note but I got back to packing. Eventually, the luggage I packed...was to packed to fit the luggage pack itself. So, I decided to take away about 3 sets of clothing, 1 set of pajamas, 1 tube of toothpaste and a couple personal items. So, I ended up with 4 sets of clothing and pajamas, 1 tube of toothpaste, 5 personal items, 3 sets of socks, 2 toothbrushes, 1 pair of shoes and 8 snacks on the train, just in case the foods always.

I leave my luggage beside my bed and then do what anybody else would for the rest of the day, go watch...something, take a bath, go on a phone and do whatever and brush my teeth. I then went to bed but before that set an alarm for 3:00 AM since the train to there is...somehow about an hour and another hour should be fine to prepare. Then, I drove off to sleep.


I wake up to the annoying sound of the alarm. At least, I didn't get a nightmare again. I look at the clock..3:50 AM. 10 minutes. How did it even keep going for that long...wait...what am I doing?! I rush to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, took a piece of toasted bread and lathered peanut butter and jam on it to make some breakfast. I dressed in my best attire...a suit and a tie, grabbed my luggage, and got I got down the stairs, opened the door and ran to the closest train station. I ate my breakfast as fast as I can on the way. Then, on the station, I see the... rustic looking train there and ran to the closing doors. I ran, gave the officers my ticket and...fell on the dirty wooden floor when I entered the doors. The doors close and the train started. People were looking at me from every angle; even the old folks. I said "Sorry..." and people began talking.

Well, everybody girl. All I could see was that she was alone with her ginger hair and black glasses looking through the...somewhat blurry window. I then sit at a seat at a row of surprisingly, empty seats. Then, the train stopped at its first stop. So, I got up; so long to sitting down and ordered some food at the nearby café, thinking I might as well try it and since I got about 10 minutes for another train to arrive. I'm still guessing the food would probably still be disgusting since it's literally next to a train stop but I'll still have hope.

As I went into to the actually good smelling and looking café, I see that all the tables and chairs were filled; with people that is. So, I decided to get a coffee and a cheesecake. Then, I see someone get up and now it was filled...except for 1 chair. I sat in the now hot but at least empty, comfy chair. I left my letter under my coffee and try a sip of my light brown coffee myself; after all it was $10 total for the cheesecake and coffee. It was...bitter but was sweet enough to mask at least...80% of that bitterness. It felt...good on the back of my tasting milk chocolate but on the back of your tongue. Then, I took a bite of my cheesecake, it was...DELICIOUS. I probably couldn't put it in words even. I took another bite, still delicious. Another bite, delicious. I took so many bites out of that white, raspberry cheesecake that I finished all of it. Why haven't I ever come here before?...; actually that's probably because I've never been to Washington. Then, I noticed the gingered haired girl was sitting beside me and looking at the letter under my coffee, and then look back at me.

"Seems like you had a good time." she said with a smile. " name's Jason." "Mine is Samantha. Nice to meet you." I sigh. "Let's get straight to the point...why were you staring so intently at that letter a moment ago?" She raised her glasses. "It just seemed...familiar...that's all." I look at her hand gripping something. I look up; knowing I had met a fellow friend...or...a fellow people call it. "See you later..." I said and left but only around the corner. The other rusty train arrives. I run in sitting on a seat. I then hear footsteps, so I looked out a small window and see Samantha running but to another part of the train.

I'm back! Anyways, this was long too so I'm sorry but anyways Partyboy out!!!

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