Ch. 3 Fixing Gilbert

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Here's my newest update :D I hope you guys like it! I'll be working on getting up some more soon. comments will be appreciated greatly


Germany had been surprised with Prussia's odd behavior. He'd asked to eat, asked to sleep, even asked to use the toilet. It had taken Germany a whole week to make him understand that he was allowed to do whatever he wanted to, and even now he still hesitated. There were other problems with his behavior too. He would flinch anytime someone moved, he was afraid of any loud noises, and he often fainted due to his weakness. It was pretty tough for Ludwig to deal with. The worst part was the fact that he refused to sleep by himself. The first night, Prussia had climbed into his bed, and on an instinct, Germany had hurled him to the floor and started yelling. He'd been half asleep and thought it was Italy at first before he looked at the floor and saw it was Prussia, all curled up and shivering, tears rolling down his cheeks. It had taken an hour just to get him to stop shaking and Ludwig had finally resorted to singing to him, making the Prussian slip into sleep. Every night since then, Ludwig had invited Prussia into his bed and sang him to sleep. This morning he'd made pancakes for the famished little country. He'd gained a lot of weight in his couple of weeks of being here, but he was still to small to be healthy. He watched Prussia lap up the syrup and eat the fluffy cakes happily. Ludwig knew Gilbert had always liked the Canadian food. "Hey.." Germany called, looking at his brother as he finished eating. "'re covered in that sticky goop." He sighed and Prussia stared at his lap. "I-I'm sorry...." He apologized and Ludwig shook his head. "No, no, it's ok Gilbert. I'm not's kind of cute." He caught a little blush that flashed across the other's cheeks. "O. Um.." Ludwig sighed and picked Gilbert up, carrying him to the bathroom. He'd been bathing Gilbert since he'd gotten here, afraid that he might fall in the shower. He looked at the syrup drenched outfit and sighed again, then pulled off the ruined clothes. Gilbert was all sticky, and Ludwig was sure this would take a while. He ran perfect bath water and even added some bubble bath that he'd had under the sink for ages. He set Gilbert in and the silver haired brother splashed around in delight. Germany laughed a little, pleased by his brother's amusement. He pulled off his own clothing and slid into the tub. The two Germans hadn't shared a bath since Ludwig was very little, and Gilbert had suddenly become frozen. He wasn't sure if it was horror or surprise that had Gilbert so very still at the moment and he frowned. "Bruder?" He questioned, watching Gilbert carefully to be sure he wasn't about to go ballistic or something. "Are you ok?" Prussia started to laugh, a sound that had Germany kind of shocked. " look like Santa Claus!" He pointed, finding that hysterical for whatever odd reason. His face was rather red and his whole body shook with laughter. Germany rolled his eyes and started scrubbing Gilbert to free him from mayple syrup. "Whatever Gil." He pet silver hair and suddenly Gilbert just tossed bubbles in his hair. Germany's eyes twitched as his normally perfectly slicked hair was ruined. Gilbert stopped smiling, wondering if an argument would start. "You. Will. Pay." Germany declared, putting bubbles all over Gilbert's face. "No!!" Gilbert screamed, throwing more bubbles at Germany and a full blown bubble war began. Gilbert ended up running from the tub screaming with Germany following close behind, towel in his hand. "Come back here you crazy little boy!" Germany yelled, though his own voice was filled with glee. He captured Gilbert, wrapping him in a towel and holding him so his legs were dangling and he couldn't touch the ground. "No!!! Let me gooo!" Prussia cried, laughing the whole time as he was carried off to the bedroom. "Nein. You can't run around in the nude Bruder. You know better." Germany declared and Gilbert started to laugh at him again. "but west! You're naked too!" Ludwig rolled his eyes. "Pfft. So. It's my house silly Prussian." He dressed Gilbert and then himself, happy that he'd managed to make Gilbert laugh and even act a bit more like himself. Things were getting better it seemed, and that was good.

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