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As a semi-blind person, glasses are a must in my daily life. I can't see from far away but up close I'm fine.

In today's culture, glasses are used in about two different ways, both totally different from the other.

One way, it's use as a fashion piece or a whatever you may call it. Usually they don't have a prescription lens. And yes they are quite cute if worn correctly but other than that, they have no use.

The most obvious reason is for the people who have a challenge seeing from up close, far away or both. Usually they are stereotyped into that only nerds or geeks wear them.

Now, you might be asking why, oh why are you blabbering about glasses. Well I don't know exactly. The topic came to mind so I decided to write about it. I know the struggles of glasses but I'm thankful to have them.

Multiple times a day, I wonder how I lived without glasses for so long. I didn't get them til about a year and a half ago, but have been struggling with my slight for about two to three years total.

For all my glasses wearing people, we all have the same struggles. We're always asked if people can try on our glasses, if they're real all that sort of stuff.

Again, I have no actual reason to write about this. I thought I'd let you see my mind for a couple of minutes, I guess.

Welp, see ya later ;)

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