Jessica Jones

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Trish Walker was excited about the possibility that she could be the hero she thought Jessica should have been. Karl's experiment worked... she had powers! But suddenly she heard screaming. Trish ran to her living room where she saw her mom disappearing in front of her very eyes.
"Patsy... what's happening?" Mrs. Walker asked before she was gone.
"MOM... MOM... W-what?!" Trish asked. Trish grabbed her phone to call Jessica, who'd probably ignore her. Jessica disowned her after she killed Alisa, Jessica's mother. But as she went to dial Jessica's number... she too was disappearing. She disappeared thinking, 'I never had my chance to become a hero'.

Jessica walked out of her apartment door and there was Malcolm. Her former friend and employee. He didn't looked to thrilled to see her either. Suddenly Malcom started to disappear.
"What's going on?" Malcom asked before he was gone.
"Malcolm" Jessica said in shock. But he was gone.
"NO PLEASE NO!" yelled a loud voice. It was Oscar. Jessica ran toward's Oscar's room.

"Papi please... Help me" Vido Arocho said before the young boy disappeared. Jessica ran into the room to find Oscar crying on the ground.
"What happened?" Jessica asked.
"Vido is gone... he disappeared. People are disappearing all over the city" Oscar replied. Jessica looked at his dropped Captain America toy in shock. Vido was gone.... Malcolm was gone. Who else disappeared? And why was she left behind?

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