Luke Cage (Redone)

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Author note: "Sage, you already wrote a Luke Cage chapter... what happened to it?" you may be asking.... Luke Cage Season 2 happened and since I want this story (which takes place in the same universe as Spider-Man: The Defenders and Marvel's Spider-Man: A Netflix Original) to be as accurate to the Netflix corner of the MCU as possible. As a result this chapter has been written to replace the previous Luke Cage chapter to better fit after the events of Luke Cage: Season 2 ~Sage

Luke Cage was a hero no more.... at least not in the eyes of the public. He was Harlem's new king of crime ruling from Harlem's Paradise like Cottonmouth used to... like Mariah used to... and for a little bit of time... like Bushmaster used to. News of this broke Claire's heart as she walked into Harlem's Paradise to confront Luke about this. With her was Misty Knight, who also wanted to see her friend back to the side of good... not the 'good' he thinks he can do as the 'ruler' of Harlem.... but the actual good he used to do.
"I thought I sent Sugar to tell you to go home a few nights ago" Luke said as he turned to Claire. Claire had a shiver run down her spine as she heard Luke's voice. It was cold.... it was darkened. Suddenly another person walked into the office of the club...
"Dad...." Luke said.
"I thought I told you not to let the darkness you see everyday get the best of you Carl. You a crime lord now?" James Lucas asked his son.
"No. It's not like that. I figure that I can prevent crime from taking over Harlem from the Paradise. I wanted to burn it, but I realized... playing the 'hero' did nothing to help prevent crime when Mariah was put away... people need to be afraid to be a fool in Harlem... and I can do that here" Luke explained.
"Trying to bring order through fear... you've become a tyrant Luke." Claire painfully told Luke. Luke looked away, hurt by the comment.
"DON'T say that again?!" Luke warned Claire with a low growl.
"Or you'll do what?" Misty asked. Luke turned to stare Misty down when suddenly Claire and James turned into ashes and Sugar walked in... seeing it.
"What the hell happened?" Sugar asked. Luke looked in shock.
"CLAIRE....." Luke yelled as he ran to her... or rather... to the space she disappeared. Luke looked up at Misty.
"Misty... what the hell happened... Claire and my dad... they're gone" Luke told Misty in horror.

DW looked at a picture of him and Luke on his cellphone, looking depressed.... he was Luke's biggest fan and supporter... and now... he was lost... his hero became a crime lord.
"What happened to you Luke?" DW asked before he became ashes and the phone dropped to the ground... the picture of him and Luke still on the screen.

Luke walked out of Harlem's Paradise to see cars running into each other... people disappearing. Luke looked at Misty.
"What the hell..." Luke started to say before Misty ran to help whoever was left. Luke ran after her.... only to see more people disappearing.
'What is happening?' Luke thought then he noticed DW's phone... and he knew.... people he loved were disappearing....and Claire and James... were among those who were gone.... and there was nothing that even he could do about it... he didn't even know how it happened.

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