Part 9

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Me: i was hoping you guys would come back out on the stage for a surprise

Edwin: bahaha sorry

Me: y'all didn't even sing would you mind😤😤

Zion: bahaha too bad for u


Austin: the show is over come back here

Me: Bitch I'm coming

Nick: my girl is here

Me: OH MY GOSHHH my mom💘💘 she's is absolutely perfect I can't wait to meet her

Nick: we can't wait to meet you

Me: thanks

*In person*

Me: "hi where's backstage?"

Bodyguard: "do you have passes"

Me: "yeah they are on my phone"

Bodyguard: "show me"

Me: "here"

I show him the passes Zion sent to me and he hands me and Rhea backstage passes to wear around our necks.

Bodyguard: "this way"

Me and my best friend Rhea walked backstage and saw everyone back there. Prettymuch, Khalid, his dancers, Normani, ect.

I look around for Zion but he wasn't in there. I ignore it and walk to Brandon, Edwin, Austin, and nick.

I hug all of them.

Me: "omg hi!!!!"
I yell a little

Edwin: "hi, you guys are really beautiful"

Rhea: "thank you so much"

Brandon: "y'all ready to have fun?"

Me: "duh" I laugh. They laugh after.

Austin: "your really funny in person too"

Me: "thank you"

Nick: "for real, I laugh at the groupchat all the time"

Me: "bahaha you guys make me laugh too"

Rhea: "your so lucky your in a groupchat with them"

Austin: "I can add you in there if you want"

Rhea: "yes I would love that"

Austin: "k come with me to get my phone"

Austin and Rhea went to add her in the gc.

Austin added Rhea💘👯‍♀️

Me: "where's Zion"

Brandon: "he went to make something for you and Rhea"

Me: "Oh really? What is it?"

Edwin: "you'll see".

I turn around and see Alexys was waving her hand in her direction so I ran over there giving her a tight hug.

Alexys: "omg Hi"

Me: "hi you are so pretty and you smell soooo good"

Nick: "ok ok anaila you can stop now" he laughs. I knew he was playing around.

Me: "I can literally snatch your girl from you!"

Alexys: "bahaha lmao I saw the groupchat you definitely could tho".

Nick: "Whatever", he rolls his eyes making us laugh.

Me: "don't tell the other girlfriends but you are my favorite", I say and she laughs.

I hear a door open and close, I look and it's Zion. He looks straight at me and we make eye contact. I run over to him, he drops the things he had in his hands I and hug him so tight. He lifts me us making me wrap my legs around him. Before putting me down I kiss his face, not his lips I'm not a creep.

Zion: "I'm so happy to finally meet you".

Me: "same", I look at the floor where he dropped what he had. "What's that?"

Zion: "oh it's pretty packs I had to make them really quick for you and Rhea".

Me: "aw thank you so much, what's inside?"

Zion: "open it and see".

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