Part 17

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Brandon: did you guys make it home safe???

Rhea: yeah we're good

Zion: we need to meet up again

Me: definitely^

Edwin: I see y'all talking again

Me: yup

Zion: no shit Sherlock

Nick: bahaha

Austin: bored as shitttttt

Me: same

Rhea: I'm not

Me: wyd

Rhea: on ft

Austin: with who

Rhea: Brandon

Austin: i wanna ft

Nick: nobody wanna ft u Austin

Zion: fr

Me: shut up zion Imma hang up on you and call Austin

Austin: please do

Zion: noooo

Me: ahhaha I gotchu Austin

Zion: no please I'm sorry

Austin: it's alright Alisha

Me: kk
Where eggwin???

Zion: with Tiffany🙄

Me: uh ok😂

Ft with Zion😘💘

Me: "In the gc why you put rolling eyes"

Zion: "when?"

Me: "when you said Tiffany"

Zion: "cuz I don't really like her"

Me: *laughs* "what why?"

Zion: "I have a bad feeling about her"

Me: "but what did she do"

Zion: "nothing.. yet or what I know of"

Me: "hahah ok"

Zion: "you know how you just get that bad feeling about someone and you really don't like them?"

Me: "yeah"

Zion: "that's how I feel"

Prettymuch groupchat!!!!Where stories live. Discover now