Part 14

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Malutrevejo: hey

Alishabare: yes?

Malutrevejo: why you tell zion to unfollow me??

Alishabare: he told you that??

Malutrevejo: yes he tells me everything

Alishabare: ok first of all, chill! If he wanted to still follow you he would have still followed you when I told him not to

Malutrevejo: well when I tell him to follow me back he will

Alishabare: ok... what the fuck does that have to do with me

Malutrevejo: stop starting shit

Alishabare: little girl!!!! Calm tf down you are how old??? Exactly, so take yo ass back to 8th grade goodbye!! Go tell him to follow you back idgaf he don't want you😒

Malutrevejo: like he wants you either!!

Alishabare: hmm you sure??

Malutrevejo: duh

Alishabare: obviously he doesn't tell you everything

iMessage with Zion😘💘

Me: what the fuck Zion

Zion: what???

Me: why would you tell Malu

Zion: tell her what


Zion: can you please tell me what I did

Me: shut the hell up you know what u did or figure it out

Zion: wait what I'm so lost😂

Me: so... you think this is fucking funny

Zion: I'm not laughing at you I'm just confused

Me: well it's going to be pretty funny when you don't see me in the crowd tonight

Zion: it's starting soon don't leave

Me: fuck you

Zion: alisha

Zion: alisha

Zion: aye listen to me

Zion: it was just a prank
Did not send

Zion: shit
Did not send

Zion: you fucking blocked me didn't you??
Did not send

Alisha left the groupchat

Nick: I told you not to do that prank Zion

Zion: how was I supposed to know she would get that mad

Rhea: it was a fucking prank???

Zion: yes
But don't tell her
I'll tell her backstage

Rhea: she left

Edwin: what do you mean

Rhea: she fucking left I'm still here but she left and drove home

Zion: are you serious??

Rhea: yes

Zion: we can't do the show

Brandon: zion we have to go on stage now!

Zion: I refuse to go

Brandon: we don't have time for this she obviously didn't want u to talk to Malu anymore and then u pranked her! You messed up, you either go up on the show for her or just leave ur fans hanging

Zion: fine I'm coming🙄

Prettymuch groupchat!!!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon