Snapshots of People I've Seen On the Subway

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I. Wrinkly woman with librarian glasses

bops back and forth to the beat

played on 



Her violet hair dances

in coils. 

II. And his brown coils twirl. 

42nd Street approaching, 

the bachelor stands, 

closes his copy of Clockwork Orange. 

Amber irises 

glaze over 

the occupied seats, 

glaze over 

the interactions they could make. 

As per usual, 

no one hears his silent cries. He 

abandons the train, looks over his shoulder

into the window

as the vehicle abandons him, too. 

III. Hardhat? Check. 

Orange vest? Check.

Heavy boots? Check. 

Everything a construction worker ought to have

save for a wife, kids, and middle age.  

Despite this, 

he is calm,

he is clean,

he is looking for her,

someone to complete the life he's built.

He has the foundation,

now all he needs is embellishment. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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