Volcanos are my thing

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song: Giiants - Looking Up

Stiles POV

"What the hell stiles! why did you just hold us over a volcano" scott says " we could of died"

we could have died" I mock in a high pitched nasally voice " if I wanted you to dead, you would be dead" I say like im speaking to a three year old " wouldn't be my first kill" I mutter

they all look at me like im crazy, and hey maybe i am , i mean i taunt 1000 year old hybrids, and threaten people with valcanos  just for fun . I look at the time and realise i have to go to the Mikaelson Manor to see the Mikaelsons because of the idiotic hale pack. I look back at the Hale Pack and feel the urge to hold them over another valcano.
" you need to leave, i have somewhere to be" 

" no" i hear Derek say 

" well your awefully brave for someone who was being held over a valcano not even 10 minutes ago. " i say as i take a step torwards him and raise an eyebrow " now i need to go"  then i push derek out of the way 

I walk out the door and lock it , i walk down the street feeling like im being watched . I stop and tilt my head to the left where the pack is following me from and whisper,

"pups i suggest you stop following me,  i will not hesitate to kill you." then continue walking .

I make it to the Manor and walk through the doorway and yell, 

" Mikaelsons, ive got news on the newest mutts in town" 

after about 5 minutes everyone was gathered in the square including Marcel, Davina, and Hayley. I watch as everyone sits down , I can hear the hale pack around, I know theyre watching me, trying to figure out what I am so I get up and grab a pad and pen. Once everyone  has taken I seat , in big letters I write ' Hale Packs listening in right now' 

'should I call them in'  I write and everyone nods so I put down the pad and paper and look in the direction of the Hale  and say,

 " you can come in Hale pack, just don't break anything" then we all look at the doorway and watch as they all walk through the doorway and just stand there. I look over all of them and the only person I don't hate in the line up is Isaac because he was the only one who didn't agree to kicking me out and he looked guilty when they did. 

My eyes stop on Derek and I look back at Niklaus and everyone and say, 

" New friends meet the Hale Pack, my ex-pack " 

I see Scott smell the air and scrunch his nose , " you all smell like death, well everyone except her" he says pointing at Davina " are you all Supernatural? Why do you smell like death?"  

Niklaus steps forward  with pure disgust on his face and says," I smell like death cause Im dead and like to kill, and you one to talk ,you smell like wet dog, its absolutely horrid.and yes im supernatural. My turn. Why are you here , and what do you want with stiles and I suggest you answer quickly, im rather impatient and when im annoyed I tend to kill the cause"

Derek growls at the threat to his pack he looks at me and flashes his eyes, so I flash my glowing violet fox eyes. He looks surprised but quickly composed himself, glared at me and said, 

" why are you letting him treat us like this ? I thought we were pack." 

 " really cause I remember you kicking me out of your oh-so precious pack without a second thought. I hate all of you, well except Isaac , Isaac is a puppy in a pack of wolves . Isaac honey come here" I motion for him to come. he walks over to me and I pull him in for a hug and close my eyes while inhaling my scent. I don't know why but im protective over Isaac like im his mother and hes my pup, I feel him sniff my neck as he buries his head further in it, I thread my finger through his hair and I feel him begin to purr . I look at the pack and they are looking like they want to question whats happening but also want to rip Isaac from my arms. I look at the Mikaelson and see they all have small smiles. 

" whats happening" scott finally questions. I was about to answer but Elijah beat me to it, 

" at some point in Isaacs life time, stiles imprinted on him, meaning Isaac now sees Stiles as a parental figure, although its usually of the same species but a werewolf and what Stiles is quite rare, however possible."

I hear little snore coming from Isaac telling me he fell asleep I look down at him and he looks like a baby. I pick him up and carry him to the room I claimed as mine , then went back down and my gaze hardened when I saw the Hale pack was still here. 

" answer Klaus' questions " 

" we're here to find out what you are ,and why you hid it from us . If you had told us earlier then you could've been useful" 

" wow , well 1: Im not telling you what I am, 2: im truly touched that you would've tolerated my presence. 3: screw you Hale Pack . get out of the manor .Now." I say but they don't move " Now!" I scream they look like theyre about to move but Derek  holds up his hand

"we need Isaac" 

"no. no. youre taking Isaac over my dead body " 

Derek starts to walk towards the room that Isaacs in , but I hold up my hand and stop him

" I said no" then I held him over another Valcano with the rest of the Hale Pack frozen on the side " Leave" 

when we get back to the manor they all scramble to the door way . Once theyre gone  we all sit in silence before Hayley says " what is it with you and volcanoes" 

" volcanoes are my thing" I say shrugging


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