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Credit to yikesshyan

Will's POV:
Fat. Ugly. Pathetic. Pick one and it's me. I stare in the mirror looking myself up and down wondering why I look fatter than usual and then I realise. I ate a big dinner. Instantly I rush into the bathroom getting on my knees in front of the toilet and shove my fingers to the back of my throat. Suddenly I feel the familiar burning sensation come up my throat. I start to throw up, my body shaking, breath racing and tears start streaming down my face.

Then I hear a frantic knock on the door and instantly know it is George.

"Will, open up. Please.." I can't speak as my throat is killing me. I get up and flush the toilet. Opening the bathroom door George pulls me into a hug that was suffocating.

"Are you ok? That sounded painful" he asks when we pull apart

"Y-y-yeah I'm f-fine j-just a bit ill"

"Are you sure? I could call the doctor"

"NO! i-i mean no, I'm fine I promise"

From the way he looks at me, I can tell he doesn't believe me but he just pulls me to bed and we head to sleep.

----skip brought to you by my crippling depression----

I get up and notice the lack of a body next to me. Thinking that he went to the shops, I look in the mirror again and I start to cry. Fat. Ugly. Pathetic. Worthless. You don't deserve George. I hear the door open and George shouts about how he is home so I put back on my clothes and leave the room.

"I bought some food for lunch!" He shouts while putting bags on the table.

"I'm ok I've already eaten"

"Hun I haven't seen you eat in three days"

"I'm s-sorry" I break down crying and he pulls me into a hug

"It's ok. Come on let's try and eat yeah?"



If you would like a part two let me know!!


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